Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Saf-Mec 305.02 - Eligibility Requirements for Initial Individual Fuel Gas Fitter Licensure as a Fuel Gas Piping Installer(a) A fuel gas piping installer specialty license shall be provided to individuals who: (1) Are engaged in the installation of liquefied propane gas or natural gas piping;(2) Are licensed as a New Hampshire plumber, approved by the board through affidavit, experience, and education or training in the use of NFPA 54, national fuel gas code as adopted pursuant to RSA 153:5 in the state fire code, as defined in RSA 153:27, VI; and(3) Install propane and natural gas piping from the outlet of the first stage regulator for liquefied propane, or the outlet of the natural gas meter, which shall be the point of delivery, to any and all fuel gas appliance(s) or other gas utilization equipment, including any and all future portions of the gas distribution system located therein.(b) To qualify for a fuel gas piping installer license, an individual shall provide the following;(1) Proof of successful completion of a minimum of 60 hours of educational training which covers the following subject matter:a. Basic gas theory involving a thorough understanding of the physical properties and characteristics of propane and natural gas;b. Reading and interpretation of fuel gas piping plans and drawings;c. Determining proper fuel gas piping systems using appropriate sizing tables and charts;d. Piping installation involving review of gas pipe sizing, gas pipe material selection, proper installation of underground and above ground fuel gas piping supply, and distribution systems, placing a fuel gas system in service including purging, initial pressure testing, and leak check of gas distribution piping and appliances;e. The documentation of fuel gas piping system pressure testing, leak checking including customer notification as to the safety procedures and recognition of fuel gas odors; andf. The application of laws, regulations, and adopted codes pertaining to fuel gas piping installation and licensing; and(2) A minimum of 1,000 working hours of on-the-job experience in the trade or its equivalent in an approved educational setting as defined in Mec 301.01, relevant to the installation of gas piping within 60 consecutive months, 500 hours of which may be applied if the applicant can demonstrate proof of relevant field experience installing, servicing, and repairing heating oil fired equipment.(c) Notwithstanding any rule to the contrary, a NH licensed plumber who demonstrates that they are licensed in good standing, shall be qualified for a fuel gas piping installer license once they demonstrate successful completion of (b)(1) above.N.H. Admin. Code § Saf-Mec 305.02
Derived From Volume XXXV Number 27, Filed July 9, 2015, Proposed by #10847, Effective 7/1/2015, Expires 7/1/2025.Amended by Number 45, Filed November 9, 2023, Proposed by #13770, Effective 12/10/2023, Expires 10/12/2033 (formerly Saf-Mec 305.02) (see Revision Note at chapter heading for Mec 300).