Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Saf-Mec 212.09 - Appeal(a) A party to the proceedings shall have the right to file a petition with the superior court or the department of safety bureau of hearings to request a review of the final order of the board within 30 days of the date of the final order.(b) For appeals through the bureau of hearings, the bureau of hearings shall review the record as developed before the board, together with any written legal argument presented to the bureau at the earliest practical time. Based on that review, the bureau may affirm or reverse the decision of the board or order that oral argument be held. As justice may require, the bureau shall remand the case to the board for further findings and rulings. The petition for appeal shall set forth all the grounds upon which the final order is sought to be overturned. Issues not raised by the appellant before the board shall not be raised before the bureau of hearings. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to show that the decision of the board was unreasonable or unlawful.(c) No new or additional evidence shall be introduced in the bureau of hearings, but the case shall be determined upon the record and evidence transferred, except that in any case, if justice requires the review of evidence which by reason of accident, mistake, or misfortune could not have been offered before the board, the bureau of hearings shall remand the case to the board to receive and consider such additional evidence.N.H. Admin. Code § Saf-Mec 212.09
Derived From Volume XXXV Number 14, Filed April 9, 2015, Proposed by #10798, Effective 3/18/2015.