N.H. Admin. Code § Ret 502.04

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Ret 502.04 - Filing Forms NHRS 9 and 27, Group I and Group II Applications for Ordinary Disability Retirement
(a) To apply for ordinary disability retirement benefits, every Group I or Group II member shall submit the following documents:
(1) An application for ordinary disability retirement , Form NHRS 9 or 27;
(2) A tax withholding certificate;
(3) A copy of the member's Social Security card or IRS Form W-9;
(4) A copy of the member's birth certificate;
(5) A copy of the beneficiary's(ies') birth certificate(s) if the member selects a survivorship option;
(6) The Employee's Statement of Ordinary Disability;
(7) A release for access to treatment records;
(8) The Physician's Medical Examination and Certification;
(9) The Wage and Personnel Authorization form;
(10) For Group II members only, a copy of the marriage certificate if the member is married; and
(11) Any other documentation requested by the system.
(b) Every Group I or Group II member shall complete Section I by providing the following information:
(1) The member's name;
(2) The member's Social Security number;
(3) The member's mailing address;
(4) The employer's name;
(5) The member's position title;
(6) The member's home telephone number;
(7) The member's date of birth; and
(8) The member's effective date of retirement.
(c) Every Group I or Group II member shall select and sign only one benefit payment choice.
(d) Every Group I or Group II member shall designate primary beneficiaries by providing the following information:
(1) The name(s) of the beneficiary(ies);
(2) The mailing address(es) of the beneficiary(ies);
(3) The Social Security number(s) of the beneficiary(ies);
(4) The date(s) of birth of the beneficiary(ies);
(5) The beneficiary(ies)'s relationship to the member; and
(6) The distribution percentage in the case of multiple beneficiaries.
(e) Every Group I or Group II member shall designate contingent beneficiaries by providing the same information as required in (d) above.
(f) Every Group II member shall designate a beneficiary(ies) for the special Group II death benefits provided under RSA 100-A:12 and shall provide the same information that is required in (d) above.
(g) Every Group I or Group II member shall sign and date NHRS Form 9 and NHRS Form 27 and shall have it acknowledged by a Notary Public or a Justice of the Peace.
(h) The member shall retain the yellow copy and shall return the white copy to the system.

N.H. Admin. Code § Ret 502.04

#7574, eff 10-10-01, EXPIRED: 10-10-09

New. #9563, eff 10-14-09