Rule | Title (date) | Source |
Puc 2505.02(d)(15)d Puc 2505.04(k) | "Emission Controls for Small Wood-Fired Boilers," May 6, 2010, prepared for the United States Forest Service, Western Forestry Leadership Coalition, by Resource Systems Group, Inc. | Western Forestry Leadership Coalition 2850 Youngfield Street Lakewood, CO 80215 Available at: |
Puc 2506.03(a) | GIS Operating Rules, effective October 1, 2017 | New England Power Pool Generation Information System 224 Airport Parkway, Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95110 Available at: |
Puc 2506.04(e)(1) | European Standard BS EN 1434-1, 2015 edition | CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, Rue de la Science 23 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Available for $128.00 at: |
Puc 2506.04(m)(12) | The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam, August 2007 revision | The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam Available at: |
Puc 2506.09(b)(3) | U.S. Department of Energy Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide, Fifth Edition, November 2016 | U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington DC 20585 Also available at: |
N.H. Admin. Code Puc, ch. Puc 2500, app B