Section Puc 2205.15 - Net Metering by CPAs(a) CPAs shall determine the terms, conditions, and prices under which they agree to provide generation supply to and credit, as an offset to supply, or purchase the generation output exported to the distribution system from CPA customers with customer-sited distributed generation.(b) Pursuant to RSA 362-A:9, II, such generation output shall be accounted for as a reduction to the CPA customers' electricity supplier's wholesale load obligation for energy supply as an LSE, net of any applicable line loss adjustments, as approved by the commission.(c) CPA customers with customer-sited distributed generation who are net metered shall net meter pursuant to the applicable utility tariff with respect to transmission and distribution service charges and credits.N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 2205.15
Derived from Volume XLII Number 45, Filed November 10, 2022, Proposed by #13457, Effective 10/12/2022, Expires 10/12/2032