Section Puc 2205.01 - Provision of Electricity Supply Service(a) CPA customers may be served by one or more CEPS, by the CPA as an LSE, or by a combination of the two, provided that each CPA customer account shall be served by only one LSE at any given time. Such service shall provide all-requirements service to meet each CPA customer's full load requirements, which may include electricity supply provided by distributed generation or other distributed energy resources that are not participants in wholesale electricity markets administered by ISO-NE.(b) For the balance of customer load requirements, the CPA shall be responsible for: (1) The cost of supplying capacity, energy, ancillary services, and any other load-related charges from the ISO-NE market;(2) The cost to deliver the associated capacity, energy, and ancillary services to a point or points on ISO-NE pooled transmission facilities and from there to a point where it is delivered to the local distribution system to the extent not billed to and paid for by the electric distribution utility as part of their retail transmission rate; and(3) Any and all losses incurred on the local network transmission system and distribution system supplying load.(c) Each customer account served by or through the CPA shall be assigned to the load asset for one CEPS or the CPA serving as an LSE for each utility meter reading cycle.N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 2205.01
Derived from Volume XLII Number 45, Filed November 10, 2022, Proposed by #13457, Effective 10/12/2022, Expires 10/12/2032