N.H. Admin. Code § Pes 701.06

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Pes 701.06 - Restricted Use Materials
(a) Pesticides containing the following compounds, listed in Table 7.1 Restricted Use Pesticides by common chemical name and use/concentration affected, shall be classified as restricted use:

Table 7.1 Restricted Use Pesticides

Acrolein all
Acrylonitrile all
Alachlor all
Aldicarb all
Allyl Alcohol all
Aluminum Phosphide all
Amitrole all above 2%
Arsenic (inorganic) all above 1% as expressed as Metallic Arsenic in water soluble form; and all used as wood preservatives
Arsenic Acid all
Arsenic Pentoxide all used as wood preservatives
Atrazine all
Azinphos-ethyl all
Azinphos-methyl all
Baythroid all above 2%
Bis(tributyltin) oxide all used as marine coatings
Bomyl all
Brodifacoum all above .05%
Bromoxynil all
Cadmium Chloride all
Calcium Cyanide all
Carbofuran all
Carbon Bisulfide all
Carbon Disulfide all
Carbon Tetrachloride all
Carbophenothion all
Chlorfenvinphos all
Chlorophacinone all tracking powder, dust and ready to use formulations .2% or greater
Chloropicrin all
Chromic Acid all except brush-on used as wood preservatives
Clonitralid all wettable powders 70% and above; all granular and wettable powders used as molluscides
Coal Tar all
Coal Tar Creosote all
Coumafuryl all
Creosote all
Creosote Oil all
Cyanazine all
Cycloheximide all
Daminozide all
Demeton all
Diallate all
Dichloropropene all
Dichlorvos all above 1%; except 20% resin strips or others so impregnated resin products not in excess of 20%
Diclofop Methyl all
Dicrotophos all
Diflubenzuron all; except feed-through fly control formulations
Dinitrocyclohexylphenol all
Dioxathion all
Diphacinone all above 1%
Diquat all concentrations labeled for aquatic use; all other formulations above 2% provided that those products containing 2% or less are labeled for terrestrial use only
Disulfoton all above 2%
DNOC all
Dodemorph all
Endosulfan all above 3%
Endothall all
EPN all
Ethion all
Ethoprop all
Ethyl Parathion all
Ethylene Dibromide all
Famphur all above 1%
Fenamiphos all emulsifiable concentrates 35% and above
Fenitrothion all forestry uses
Fensulfothion all
Fenthion all above 1%
Fluorocetamide all
Flucythrinate all
Fonofos all
Formetanate Hydrochloride all
Hydrocyanic acid all
Lambda-Cyhalothrin all above 1%
Leptophos all
Lethane 384 all
Magnesium Phosphide all
Methamidophos all
Methidathion all
Methomyl all above 1%
Methyl Bromide all
Methyl Isothiocyanate all
Methyl Parathion all including Methyl Parathion on Prohibited-Limited Use list
Metolachlor all
Mevinphos all
Mexacarbate all above 2%
Monocrotophos all
Niclosamide all
Nicotine Alkaloid all
Nicotine Salts all above 40% nicotine expressed as alkaloid
Nitrogen, liquid all
Oxamyl all
Oxydemeton Methyl all
Paraquat all above .2% cation
Parathion all
Pentachlorophenol all
Phorate all
Phosacetim all
Phosalone all above 2%
Phosphamidon all
Phosphorus (white & yellow) all
Phostoxin all
Picloram all except for treating trees by a "cut surface" method with 5.4% or less Picloram
Pindone all above 3%
PMP all above 6%
Potassium Pentachlorophenate all
Pronamide all wettable powders 50% or above
Propetamphos all emulsifiable concentrates 50% or greater
Propoxur all above 3%; except impregnated type resin materials with a concentration not exceeding 10%
Pyriminil all
Schradan all
Selenium and its compounds all
Simazine all above 10%
Sodium Cyanide all
Sodium Dichromate all formulations except brush-on
Sodium Methyldithiocarbamate all
Sodium Pyronarsenate all formulations except brush-on
Strychnine all
Sulfotepp all
Sulfuric Acid all
Sulfuryl Fluoride all
Sulprofos all
Terbufos all
TFM all
Tralomethrin all above 2%
Tributyltin all used as marine coatings
Tributyltin Fluoride all used as marine coatings
Tributyltin Methacrylate all used as marine coatings
Triphenyltin Hydroxide all
Warfarin all above 3%
Zinc Phosphide all

N.H. Admin. Code § Pes 701.06

#150, eff 1-9-74; amd by #741, eff 1-18-76; amd by #1058.10-1058.12, eff 1-22-77; amd by #1301, eff 1-10-79; amd by #1410.6, eff 8-1-79; amd by #1579, eff 5-15-80; amd by #1713, eff 2-9-81; amd by #2002, eff 4-19-82; amd by #2058, eff 6-22-82; ss by #2209, eff 12-13-82; ss by #2208, eff 12-13-82; ss by #2781, eff 7-26-84; amd by #2480, eff 8-31-84; amd by #4374, eff 2-24-88; amd by #4812, eff 5-3-90; ss by #4867, eff 7-19-90; amd by #5127, eff 4-29-91; ss by 5393, eff 5-12-92; ss by #6160, eff 1-3-96; amd by #6455, eff 2-19-97; amd by #6944, eff 2-24-99; ss by #7890, eff 5-19-03; ss by #7987, eff 1-3-04; amd by #8634, eff 5-23-06; EXPIRED: 1-3-12 (except for (a) intro. and entry for "Diflubenzuron" in Table 7.1)

New. #10489, INTERIM, eff 12-17-13, EXPIRES: 6-16-14

Amended byVolume XXXV Number 01, Filed January 8, 2015, Proposed by #10712, Effective 11/5/2014, Expires11/5/2024.