Section Pari 1109.02 - Lucky 7 Ticket Dispensing Devices(a) No lucky 7 ticket dispensing device shall be sold, leased, or otherwise furnished to any licensee in New Hampshire for use in conducting charitable gaming until an identical model, or equipment containing identical software, has been approved by the commission, pursuant to Pari 1110.02.(b) All lucky 7 ticket dispensing devices shall:(1) Have the ability to accept $1, $5, $10, $20, and $50 bills;(2) Contain a money receptacle that is robust enough to withstand forced illegal entry, and otherwise prevents and identifies cases of tampering;(3) Dispense a cardboard or paper ticket, as required by RSA 287-E:21, III(a);(4) Not be in the nature of a slot machine, as stipulated by RSA 287-E:21. A device shall not be considered to be in the nature of a slot machine when there is a finite probability basis of having a predetermined quantity of chances among which there is a predetermined quantity of winners that pay a fixed and predetermined value of prizes, regardless of the symbols that are used or how those symbols are displayed; and(5) Have a distinctive serial number.(c) In addition to the requirements of (b) above, all electronic lucky 7 ticket dispensing devices, software and associated equipment shall: (1) Be tested by an independent gaming laboratory to that has been formally recognized by the commission as a testing facility that upholds the standards of integrity established by the commission, and been found by the laboratory to be:a.In compliance with the requirements of this chapter, and RSA 287-E: 16 thru 26;b.Fair and equitable to both the players and the operators; andc.In compliance with currently accepted gaming test industry standards, such as GLI-14, Finite Scratch Ticket and Pull-Tab Systems (version 2.2, 2011) and GLI-21 Client Server Systems (version 2.2, 2011), available as noted in Appendix A, as applicable under New Hampshire laws and this chapter;(2) Have sufficient security safeguards so that any restrictions or requirements authorized by the commission or any approved proprietary software are protected from alteration by unauthorized personnel;(3) Have the ability to retain accounting information in the event of a power failure or electrical interruption;(4) Be capable of recording the following information regarding the sale of each lucky 7 ticket: a.Serial number of the game from which the ticket is purchased;b.Quantity of tickets purchased;d.The serial number of the device that produced the ticket;(5) Be capable of recording the following information for each sale of a ticket:a.Date of the prize payout;b.Operator's unique identification code;c.Serial number of the winning paper ticket; andd.Amount of the prize payout, if any;(6) Be capable of providing a report that shows each deal in play including the balance of each deal to be played at the time of the report;(7) Dispense a either: a.A traditional, pre-printed lucky 7 ticket; orb.An electronically generated lucky 7 ticket and, upon request by the player, a cash-out voucher;(8) Have at least one keyed lock with a multiple function position or a role-based access control capable of restricting access to accounting and auditing functions;(9) Have an operating switch, lock or role-based access control that will allow the point of sale system to operate only when a unique identification code has been entered;(10) Not display a spinning reel or reels, or otherwise appear to be in the nature of a slot machine, as prohibited by RSA 287-E:21, III-a; and(11) Not issue a ticket or visually display the results of any ticket on a video monitor in less than 5 second intervals.(d) In addition to (c) above, electronic lucky 7 dispensing devices that dispense or produce electronic lucky 7 tickets shall be capable of: (1) Communicating with the charitable organization's server to obtain the next available ticket in a finite deal that has been downloaded to the charitable organization's server from the distributor's server;(2) Operating using a system server that allows the commission real-time, remote, read-only access, at no cost to the state, for the purpose of: a.Monitoring each charity location, vendor, terminal, game form, deal, ticket number and time of sale for each ticket purchased; andb.Reviewing and downloading reporting and auditing data, monitor device status and update contact information for all devices;(3) Allowing authorized employees of the manufacturer and commission to access the secure server to review and download reporting and auditing data, monitor device status and update contact information for all devices;(4) Be capable of recording the following information regarding the sale of each lucky 7 ticket:a.The date the ticket was sold; andb.The charitable organization's unique identification code; and(5) Be capable of recording the information regarding each deal including the ability to produce a printout for any or all of the deals in play, and a final deal record.(e) Prior to putting an approved lucky 7 dispensing device into play, the charitable organization shall ensure that the device bears a registration decal that has been affixed by the commission. The decal shall not to be removed for any reason, except as authorized by the commission.N.H. Admin. Code § Pari 1109.02
Adopted by Volume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015, Proposed by #10773, Effective 2/1/2015, Expires 2/1/2025.