An owner submitting a reimbursement request shall provide the following information on a "Reimbursement Authorization Form" obtained from the board:
"I hereby certify that the facility referenced above is currently in compliance, or I am the owner of land where a compliant facility was located, or I am a duly authorized officer of the entity that owns the compliant facility or land where a compliant facility was located. I understand that a 'deductible' or deductible balance may be applied against any amounts reimbursed from the fund. If reimbursement is made to an 'applicant', I understand that the deductible or deductible balance amount may be billed and that said amount is due within 30 days of the billing date, unless the board approves periodic payments. I understand the funds under RSA 146-D:6, IV (b-d) only provide excess insurance coverage. I declare that the representations made in this reimbursement authorization are to the best of my knowledge true and correct, and agree to reimburse the fund for any payments made based upon incorrect information on this form, or incorrect reimbursement submittal information. If an officer of the owner, I affirm that I have been duly authorized by the corporation, LLC, LLP, or other corporate entity to bind the corporation, LLC, LLP, or other corporate entity, and to make the above declarations. I also affirm that the corporation, LLC, LLP, or other corporate entity has made all filings and paid all fees required by the New Hampshire Secretary of State."
N.H. Admin. Code § Odb 403.02
#8491, eff 11-22-05; ss by #9935-B, eff 9-1-11