N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 603.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Nur 603.05 - Program Probation
(a) If the board denies a request of a sponsoring institution to grant full approval to a nursing education program under Nur 603.04, the board shall enter a written order that:
(1) Changes the status of the program from "initially approved" to "approved on probation";
(2) Identifies all deficiencies required to be corrected for the program to come into compliance with these rules and RSA 326-B: 32;
(3) Provides a reasonable period of time of not less than 90 days to submit an action plan to correct the identified program deficiencies; and
(4) Provides notice of the right of the sponsoring institution to seek a hearing pursuant to Nur 200 to address the findings of the board.
(b) The appeal of an order hereunder shall not stay the change in the status of the program, but shall stay the obligation of the program to comply with the remainder of this section pending:
(1) Full resolution of the issues in the hearing conducted pursuant to Nur 200;
(2) Further order of the board; or
(3) Receipt of an order from a court of competent jurisdiction directing the board or the program to initiate additional action.
(c) If the nursing program accepts the change in status without appeal it shall:
(1) Within 90 days of the order, provide the board with a report that discusses factors contributing to the program deficiencies noted by the board, including:
a. Program graduation rates for the last 3 years;
b. Number of nursing faculty teaching on full-time and part-time basis, including adjunct clinical faculty;
c. National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) pass rates for the last 3 years; or
d. National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN®) pass rates for the last 3 years; and
e. How program evaluation data is collected and used for program planning and improvement; and
(2) Provide the board with a written plan of correction covering the next 12 month period, to include but not be limited to:
a. Timelines for improvement;
b. Adjustment to the mission, philosophy and organizing framework of the nursing program;
c. Changes in faculty resources and workload;
d. Changes in student support services;
e. Receipt of additional fiscal resources;
f. Changes to program admission, progression, and graduation policies; and
g. How student, graduate, and employer data is collected to measure program satisfaction among these key stakeholders.
(d) No later than one calendar year after notification of a change to probation status, the sponsoring institution shall either:
(1) Correct the deficiencies identified pursuant to (a) above and come into compliance with board requirements; or
(2) Request an extension of time, in which it shall:
a. Explain why the identified deficiencies have not been corrected within the allotted time;
b. Provide a summary of the program's good faith efforts to come into compliance within the allotted time; and
c. Present a plan of action to come into compliance within the extension.
(e) The board shall extend the one year time frame up to 6-months if:
(1) The efforts made to come into compliance demonstrate good faith; and
(2) The plan of action to come into compliance is realistic and complete.
(f) After 18 months of probation, the program administrator shall be required to appear before and present to the board a current analysis of program effectiveness, problems identified, outcomes of correction plan and timeline for improvement if the nursing program has not:
(1) Demonstrated consistent measurable progress toward implementation of the correction plan; or
(2) Maintained NCLEX scores for first time test takers above the national benchmark for its graduates.
(g) While on probationary status, a nursing program shall as ordered by the board:
(1) Limit or suspend admissions and enrollment;
(2) Not add new sites or expand the program;
(3) Submit to additional site visits; and
(4) Submit interim data, including but not limited to:
a. Progress reports;
b. Syllabi of courses, and evaluations of faculty performance;
c. Reviews of textbooks, and electronic resources used to promote student learning outcomes;
d. National nursing accreditation findings; and
e. Financial and student records when necessary to verify the accuracy of the institution's self-study.
(h) The board shall reinstate initial or full approval status if:
(1) The program submits evidence of compliance with nursing education standards within the specified time frame; and
(2) NCLEX scores for first time test takers are maintained for a minimum of two years at or above the national pass rate averages.
(i) If the program does not meet the criteria for reinstatement of its approval status, it shall be summoned by the board to show cause why approval of the program should not be withdrawn.

N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 603.05

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Nur 100) #5887, eff 8-26-94; ss by #6778, eff 6-26-98; ss by #8664, INTERIM, eff 6-24-06, EXPIRED: 12-21-06

New.#8873, eff 4-24-07; ss by #9096, eff 2-23-08 (from Nur 602.05 ); ss by #10301, eff 3-22-13

Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 06, Filed February 11, 2016, Proposed by #11024, Effective 1/23/2016, Expires 1/23/2026.
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 32, Filed August 11, 2016, Proposed by #11145, Effective 7/28/2016, Expires 7/28/2026.