N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 603.03

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Nur 603.03 - Program Annual Report and Self-Study
(a) The sponsoring institution shall annually complete and submit form, "New Hampshire Board of Nursing Program Annual Report"; as amended 2015.
(b) Approved programs that have received national nursing accreditation shall submit a self- study report that correlates with the required timeframe for the national accreditation report. For approved programs not accredited, a self -study report shall be required every 5 years.
(c) self- study report shall address the following criteria:
(1) A systematic evaluation of:
a. Student learning outcomes;
b. Graduate competencies;
c. Program outcomes; and
d. Results of trended and aggregated data used for program improvement; and
(2) Sources of evidence used to measure achievement of program outcomes, to include, but not be limited to:
a. Student retention, attrition, and on-time program completion rates;
b. Type and number of faculty, faculty competence and faculty retention/turnover;
c. Laboratory and clinical learning experiences;
d. NCLEX examination pass rates for graduates taking the examination for the first time;
e. Proposed future curriculum adjustments related to NCLEX performance;
f. Proposed future curriculum adjustments related to employer and graduate satisfaction;
g. Proposed performance improvement initiatives related to program outcomes; and
h. Review and resolution of program complaints and review of grievances.
(d) The board's review of the program's evaluation shall include a site visit by board representatives which:
(1) Shall be conducted in conjunction with the national nursing accreditation body survey visit;
(2) Is intended to assess, clarify, verify and evaluate the material submitted in the self-study; and
(3) Shall provide the basis for determining compliance with these rules and RSA 326-B: 32.
(e) Programs accredited by a national nursing organization authorized by the federal agency authorized to accredit nursing programs may submit that organization's accreditation report to the board if it is:
(1) Within 3 years of the board's date of review; and
(2) Cross referenced and revised to demonstrate compliance with these rules.
(f) Following review of the institution's self-study, the board representatives' site visit, and other materials submitted by the sponsoring institution, the board shall take action as noted in Nur 603.01(f) based upon the degree of compliance with these rules and RSA 326-B: 32.

N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 603.03

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Nur 100) #5887, eff 8-26-94; ss by #6778, eff 6-26-98; ss by #8664, INTERIM, eff 6-24-06, EXPIRED: 12-21-06

New.#8873, eff 4-24-07; ss by #9096, eff 2-23-08 (from Nur 602.06 ); ss by #10301, eff 3-22-13

Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 06, Filed February 11, 2016, Proposed by #11024, Effective 1/23/2016, Expires 1/23/2026.