N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 301.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Nur 301.05 - Licensed Nursing Assistant
(a) This section shall apply to those who seek licensure as a licensed nursing assistant (LNA) by competency examination, alternate experience, or by endorsement in accordance with Plc 313.
(b) Each person seeking licensure as a LNA, regardless of method of qualification, shall:
(1) Complete and submit a required "Universal Application for Initial Licensure" providing the information described in Plc 304.03(a), (c), (d), and (f) and signing the form in accordance with Plc 304.05;
(2) In addition to the application required in (a) above, the applicant shall complete and submit the "Nursing Assistant Addendum to the Universal Application for Initial Licensure" by providing the following:
a. All names the applicant has ever been known by;
b. Answer yes or no to the question "Were any special arrangements made for you during the nursing assistant program or competency testing because of a physical or mental conditions?";
c. Answer yes or no to the question "Do you have a mental or physical condition that makes you incompetent to practice as a nursing assistant?;
d. Answer yes or no to the question "Have you previously been or are you currently impaired by any chemical substances that affects your ability to practice as a nursing assistant?";
e. Answer yes or no to the question "Have you ever diverted any chemical substance(s)?";
(3) If the applicant answers yes to any of the questions on the application a detailed description of the yes answer and any relevant supporting documents;
(4) Submit to the department of safety, division of state police, a notarized Criminal Record Release Authorization along with any required fee, with OPLC identified as the recipient of the record or records; and
(5) Pay any fees required by Plc 1002.33 and Plc 1001.08.
(c) Subject to (d), below, each applicant seeking licensure as a LNA by competency examination shall, in addition to complying with (b) above:
(1) Submit a copy of their LNA Education Program Certificate to demonstrate successful completion of such program; and
(2) Submit a copy of the final report for the Written and Clinical Competency Testing results showing the applicant to be competent in all areas tested.
(d) An applicant shall not be required to submit the copies required by (c), above, if the program from which the applicant graduated has already provided information to the OPLC that the applicant has successfully completed the program and passed the competency test.
(e) Each applicant seeking licensure as a LNA by alternate experience shall, in addition to complying with (b) above, submit to the OPLC the following:
(1) Proof that the applicant has been assigned an enlisted occupation code consistent with RSA 326-B:21-a, I(a); and
(2) Proof that the applicant has used those skills as part of their service in the last 3 years.
(f) An applicant who has satisfactorily met the requirements of this section shall:
(1) Receive a licensed nursing assistant license; and
(2) Be authorized to use the title LNA.

N.H. Admin. Code § Nur 301.05

#8873, eff 4-24-07; ss by #10298, eff 3-22-13

Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 01, Filed January 7, 2016, Proposed by #10996, Effective 12/19/2015, Expires 12/19/2025.
Amended by Volume XLII Number 2, Filed January 13, 2022, Proposed by #13300, EMERGENCY RULE, Effective 12/3/2021, Expires 6/1/2022 (EMERGENCY); ss by #13424, eff 8/2/2022 (see Revision Note at chapter heading for Nur 300).
Amended by Number 10, Filed March 7, 2024, Proposed by #13886, Effective 4/22/2024, Expires 4/22/2034.
Amended by Number 19, Filed May 9, 2024, Proposed by #13941, EMERGENCY RULE, Effective 4/25/2024, Expires 10/22/2024.

The amended version of this section by New Hampshire Register Number 24, eff. 5/24/2024 is not yet available.