N.H. Admin. Code § Mirt 302.04

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Mirt 302.04 - Required Documents

Applicants for initial licensure as a limited x-ray machine operator, medical imaging professional, or radiation therapist shall provide, or arrange for the board to receive, the following documents supporting their applications:

(a) A recent passport size, 2" x 2", original head-shot photograph;
(b) On a separate sheet, a detailed report of the relevant circumstances if any of the answers to questions described in Mirt 302.02(f)(1)-(7) on part one of the application form is in the affirmative;
(c) On a separate sheet, a detailed report of the relevant circumstances if any of the answers to questions in Mirt 302.02(i)(1)-(5) on part 2 of the application form is in the affirmative;
(d) Unless the information sought is available only on a website, an official letter of verification sent directly to the board from every jurisdiction which has issued a license or other authorization to practice stating whether:
(1) The license or other authorization is or was, during its period of validity, in good standing; and
(2) Whether any disciplinary action was taken against the license or other authorization to practice;
(e) A photocopy of the applicant's national certification card bearing the appropriate certification for the applicant's modality, which shall be verified upon receipt;
(f) The documents required for the criminal history records check pursuant to RSA 328-J:7-a shall include either:
(1) The documents required for a criminal background check run by the NH state police, including:
a. A criminal history record release form, also known as form DSSP from the department of safety, available at https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/nhsp/forms.html;
b. A completed fingerprint card or submission of live scan documentation. A fingerprint card may be obtained by contacting the board offices. Live scan site locations may be found on the department of safety's website at https://www.certifixlivescan.com/category/fingerprinting-service-locations/new-hampshire/; and
c. The fee, as required by the department of safety; or
(2) For any individual actively serving in any component of the Department of Defense, documentation that the individual has received military security clearance.
(g) A resume presenting a chronologically organized account of the applicant's paid and voluntary work experience in the applicant's field of medical imaging or radiation therapy for the prior 5 years. The period of each separate experience shall be designated by its beginning and end dates, and the city and state of each experience shall be listed; and
(h) Proof of education, which shall be:
(1) For sonographers:
a. If having completed an educational program on or before December 31, 2019, a photocopy of a currently valid certificate issued by Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI); and
b. If having completed an educational program after December 31, 2019, either a letter signed by the applicant's supervisor stating that the applicant has successfully completed a program of on-the-job training, or an official transcript as required under (2)b. below; and
(2) For all other licensees:
a. If first employed in the field before January 1, 2017, either a letter signed by the applicant's supervisor stating that the applicant has successfully completed a program of on-the-job training, or an official transcript as required under
b. below; and b. If first employed in the field after January 1, 2017, an official transcript showing successful completion of one of the courses of study required by RSA 328-J:11, I(c), RSA 328-J:11, II(c), RSA 328-J:11, III(c), RSA 328-J:11, IV(c), RSA 328-J:11, V(c), or RSA 328-J:11, VI(c).

N.H. Admin. Code § Mirt 302.04

Derived From Volume XXXVIII Number 32, Filed August 9, 2018, Proposed by #12597, Effective 7/31/2018, Expires 7/31/2028.
Amended by Volume XL Number 11, Filed March 12, 2020, Proposed by #12998, Effective 3/5/2020, Expires 3/5/2030.
Amended by Volume XLII Number 6, Filed February 10, 2022, Proposed by #13329, Effective 1/22/2022, Expires 1/22/2032 (see Revision Note at chapter heading for Mirt 300)