N.H. Admin. Code § Mirt 215.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Mirt 215.02 - Disposition of Petitions for Rulemaking
(a) The board shall request additional information or argument from the petitioner for rulemaking or from others if such additional information or argument is required to reach a decision.
(b) The board shall grant the petition for rulemaking if the adoption, amendment, or repeal sought would not result in:
(1) A rule that is not within the rulemaking authority of the board;
(2) Duplication of a rule or of a statutory provision;
(3) Inconsistency between the existing rules and the statutory mandate of the board;
(4) Inconsistency between 2 administrative rules; or
(5) A rule that does not assist the board with the regulation of the profession.
(c) Within 30 days of the board's next scheduled meeting the board shall dispose of it in the following manner:
(1) By notifying the petitioner that the petition is granted and beginning rulemaking proceedings as required by RSA 541-A:4; or
(2) By notifying the petitioner in writing that the petition is denied and the reasons for its denial.
(d) The denial of a petition for rulemaking shall not entitle the petitioner to a hearing.

N.H. Admin. Code § Mirt 215.02

Derived From Volume XXXVIII Number 06, Filed February 8, 2018, Proposed by #12466, Effective 1/25/2018, Expires 1/26/2028.