N.H. Admin. Code § Ins 8001.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Ins 8001.05 - Prohibited Policy Provisions
(a) No policy shall contain a provision that the leave period shall be considered to commence with the date on which written notice is actually received by the insurer.
(b) A policy shall not limit, reduce, or exclude coverage by type of sickness, accident, treatment, or medical condition, except a serious health condition arising out of:
(1) Aviation, except as a fare-paying passenger;
(2) Professional sports;
(3) Incarceration;
(4) The insured's commission of a felony, riot, or driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or combination thereof; and
(5) Harm to a family member brought about by the willful intention of the insured.
(c) Arbitration shall be prohibited, except for policies issued pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement that requires arbitration.
(d) Coverage and benefits shall not be reduced or denied on the basis that the insured's employment was terminated as a result of taking leave for a qualifying event for which benefits were sought or where the insured's employer subsequently becomes insolvent, bankrupt, or ceases operations.
(e) No policy or certificate shall provide benefits for medical leave that arises from a work-related illness or injury and for which worker's compensation insurance benefits are paid.
(f) No policy or certificate shall provide benefits for medical leave that arises from the insured's disability and for which the insured receives disability income insurance benefits.
(g) Benefits shall not be integrated with or offset by unemployment benefits received by an insured pursuant to RSA 282-A:14.
(h) No policy or certificate shall include provisions for job or employment protections.

N.H. Admin. Code § Ins 8001.05

Derived from Number 2, Filed January 12, 2023, Proposed by #13499, Effective 11/30/2022, Expires 11/30/2032