N.H. Admin. Code § Home 501.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Home 501.02 - Obligation To Obey
(a) The professional standards set forth in this part and Home 600 shall bind all licensees, and violation of any such standard shall result in disciplinary sanctions. Conduct proscribed by these ethical standards, when performed by a candidate for licensure as a home inspector in this state, or during a prior period of licensure, shall result in denying a license application.
(b) All persons licensed under RSA 310-A shall be considered to have knowledge of the existence of the code of ethics pursuant to RSA 310-A:185 and shall be deemed to be familiar with its provisions. Such knowledge shall encompass the understanding that the practice of home inspection is a privilege, as opposed to a right, and the licensee shall be forthright and candid in the licensee's statements or written response to the board or its representatives on matters pertaining to professional conduct.

N.H. Admin. Code § Home 501.02

#9506, eff 7-8-09

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 06, Filed February 8, 2018, Proposed by #12463, Effective 1/23/2018, Expires 1/23/2028.