N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 574.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-W 574.01 - Definitions
(a) "Assistance group" means the individuals living together with or without benefit of a dwelling pursuant to He-W 630.01(a) , whose needs and income, resources, or both are considered and combined together when determining eligibility or the amount of benefits for financial or medical assistance.
(b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the NH department of health and human services, or his or her designee.
(c) "Department" means the New Hampshire department of health and human services.
(d) "Driver(s) " means a person, company, or entity, including volunteer and recipient drivers, that submit claims for reimbursement for providing general medical transportation services for a recipient and is enrolled with or contracted by the department.
(e) "General medical transportation" means non-emergency transportation for the purpose of accessing medicaid covered medical or dental services via motorized public or private transportation pursuant to 42 CFR 441.62(a) , 42 CFR 431.53, and 42 CFR 440.170.
(f) "Medicaid" means the Title XIX and Title XXI programs administered by the department which makes medical assistance available to eligible individuals.
(g) "Out of area" means a state other than New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, or Maine.
(h) "Point of origin" means the recipient's residence as listed on file at the department or the volunteer driver's residence as it appears on the completed Form 14 as provided for in He-W 574.03(c) .
(i) "Private transportation" means transportation via a recipient's own vehicle or other vehicle that does not meet the definition of public transportation.
(j) "Public transportation" means transportation via commercial buses, boats, airplanes, helicopters, or trains.
(k) "Recipient" means any individual who is eligible for and receiving medical assistance under the medicaid program.
(l) "Recipient driver" means someone who provides transportation in accordance with He-W 574 and is:
(1) A recipient who transports him/herself and members of his/her assistance group for medical or dental appointments;
(2) The parent/guardian of the recipient being transported; or
(3) Residing in the same household as the recipient being transported.
(m) "Title XIX" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XIX of the Social Security Act and administered in New Hampshire by the department under the medicaid program.
(n) "Title XXI" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XXI of the Social Security Act and administered in New Hampshire by the department under the medicaid program.
(o) "Transit company" means an entity that provides or brokers transportation via private transportation.
(p) "Usual and customary" means "usual and customary" as defined in RSA 126-A:3, III(b) .
(q) "Volunteer driver(s) " means individuals who provide general medical transportation services in accordance with He-W 574 and are not:
(1) The recipient who transports him/herself or members of his/her assistance group;
(2) A parent/guardian of the recipient being transported; or
(3) Residing in the same household as the recipient being transported.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 574.01

(See Revision Note at chapter heading He-W 500); ss by #6163, eff 1-4-96, EXPIRED: 1-4-04

New. #8732, eff 9-30-06; amd by #10139, eff 7-1-12

Amended byVolume XXXV Number 18, Filed May 7, 2015 , Proposed by #10810, Effective 4/9/2015, Expires4/9/2025.