Section He-W 566.06 - Non-Covered ServicesNon-covered services shall include:
(a) A dental procedure, which is attempted but cannot be completed;(b) Behavior management or the administration of psychotropic medication to modify the recipient's behavior in the dental office;(c) Experimental, investigational, or cosmetic dental procedures;(d) Dental and orthodontic treatment or surgery for the purpose of preserving or improving appearance, except when required for the prompt repair of accidental injury;(e) Services that have not been proven to be safe or effective, as documented in dental peer review literature;(f) Fixed prostheses of more than one unit;(g) Implants and procedures associated with implants such as bone grafting;(h) Dental services rendered in locations other than the dental office, such as in outpatient hospital settings or ambulatory surgical centers, when such services could be performed in a dentist's office and there is no medical need for the use of an acute care, outpatient hospital, or ambulatory facility;(i) Orthodontic treatment for recipients who have failed to comply with a prescribed treatment plan that has been approved through prior authorization by the department, including non-compliance with appointments, hygiene, or care of appliances, with such failure documented by the provider;(j) Periodic examinations for recipients age 21 or over;(k) Services that are not dental in nature;(l) Services that are more costly than other services but are expected to provide the recipient with the same functional outcome;(m) Replacement or repair of dental appliances required as a result of recipient neglect, wrongful disposition, intentional misuse or abuse;(n) Extractions of asymptomatic teeth and third molars, unless prior authorized in accordance with He-W 566.07;(o) Periodontal treatment consisting of subgingival placement of biological materials or chemotherapeutic agents;(p) Periodontal surgery, unless prior authorized in accordance with He-W 566.07;(q) The portion of the orthodontic treatment plan carried out after the recipient reaches 21 years of age;(r) Any treatment, such as extractions, radiographs, examinations, and other services, that are ancillary to an orthodontic treatment plan that has not been prior authorized for medicaid coverage;(s) Dental records, including casts and radiographs, when such records do not meet the criteria set forth in He-W 566.05(a)-(b) above or He-W 546.05; and(t) Endodontics, including root canal therapy, that has not been deemed complete in accordance with He-W 566.04(a)(18) and He-W 566.10(e).N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 566.06
(See Revision Note at chapter heading He-W 500); ss by #5639, eff 6-17-93; ss by #7012, eff 6-15-99; ss by #7912, eff 7-1-03; ss by #9902, eff 6-1-11
Amended by Volume XXXIX Number 24, Filed June 13, 2019, Proposed by #12782, Effective 5/21/2019, Expires 11/18/2019.Amended by Volume XL Number 2, Filed January 9, 2020, Proposed by #12937, Effective 12/7/2019, Expires 12/7/2029.