The following services shall be covered, rendered singularly or in any combination during a calendar month, and in accordance with the recipient's plan of care:
(a) Social services including: (1) An initial assessment;(2) Assisting the recipient in identifying her ongoing needs and referring her to appropriate services; and(b) Care coordination between a recipient and any other individuals or agencies involved in the recipient's care, including: (1) Communicating outcomes or status to appropriate providers;(2) Providing liaison assistance during the transition process to ongoing health, mental health, or social services;(3) Assisting with arrangements for transportation, childcare, or community services;(4) Making referrals to other agencies, programs, and community services, including the federal special supplemental food program for women, infants and children;(5) Follow-up to ensure the delivery of necessary services, including tracking missed appointments, rescheduling, and the identification and resolution of care barriers; and(6) Intra-agency consultations concerning the recipient's care needs;(c) Individual or group education including: (1) Education about the health implications of risk behavior, such as smoking, and use of alcohol and other drugs;(2) Education about infant health, mental health, and development, including positive parenting and its role in infant and child development; and(3) Individual instruction about the course of pregnancy, delivery and child care; and(d) Nutritional services including: (a) An initial assessment of the recipient's current nutritional status;(b) Nutritional counseling; and(c) Assisting the recipient in identifying her ongoing needs and appropriate services.N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 548.04
(See Revision Note at chapter heading He-W 500); ss by #5578, eff 2-11-93; ss by #6939, Interim, eff. 1-30-99, EXPIRED 5-30-99
New. #7036, eff 6-25-99; ss by #8904, eff 6-25-07
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 36, Filed September 10, 2015, Proposed by #10914, Effective 8/26/2015, Expires8/26/2025.