N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 544.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-W 544.01 - Definitions
(a) "Agent" means an adult to whom authority to make health care decisions is delegated under an activated durable power of attorney for health care in accordance with RSA 137-J, or a surrogate decision-maker in accordance with RSA 137-J:35.
(b) "Bereavement counseling" means emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual support and services provided before and after death of the recipient to assist with issues related to grief, loss, and adjustment.
(c) "Care plan" means a written guide developed by the licensee, or its personnel, in consultation with the patient, guardian, agent, or personal representative, if any, as a result of the assessment process for the provision of care and services.
(d) "Continuous home care" means hospice care consisting of primarily nursing care provided by hospice personnel on a continuous basis at home.
(e) "Day" means the 24-hour period starting at 12:00 AM and ending at 11:59 PM of the same calendar date.
(f) "Department" means the New Hampshire (NH) department of health and human services.
(g) "Dietary counseling" means education and interventions provided to the recipient and family regarding appropriate nutritional intake as the recipient's condition progresses and provided by qualified individuals including a registered nurse, dietician, or nutritionist, when identified in the recipient's care plan.
(h) "Election period" means one or more periods for which a recipient may elect to receive medicaid coverage for hospice care during one or more of the following:
(1) An initial 90-day period;
(2) A subsequent 90-day period; or
(3) An unlimited number of subsequent 60-day periods.
(i) "Employee" means:
(1) A person who is hired by a hospice organization;
(2) A person of the agency, if the agency or organization is a subdivision of a hospice organization, who has been appropriately trained and assigned to the hospice unit; or
(3) A volunteer under the jurisdiction of the hospice.
(j) "General inpatient care" means hospice care received in an inpatient facility, for pain control or symptom management, which cannot be managed in other settings.
(k) "Guardian" means a person appointed in accordance with RSA 464-A to make informed decisions relative to the patient's health care and other personal needs.
(l) "Home hospice care provider (HHCP)" means an agency which provides hospice services to patients and their families in the patient's residence.
(m) "Hospice" means a specialized program of care and supportive services, which provides a combination of medical, social, and spiritual services to terminally ill patients and their families.
(n) "Hospice care" means a comprehensive set of services described in 1861(dd)(1) of the Social Security Act, identified and coordinated by an interdisciplinary group to provide for the physical, psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional needs of a terminally ill patient and family members, as delineated in a specific patient care plan.
(o) "Interdisciplinary group" (IDG) means the team responsible for the holistic care of the hospice recipient.
(p) "License" means the document issued by the department to an applicant at the start of operation as an HHCP which authorizes operation in accordance with RSA 151 and He-P 823, and includes the name of the licensee, the name of the business, the physical address, the license classification, the effective date, and license number.
(q) "Licensed practitioner" means a:
(1) Medical doctor;
(2) Licensed practitioner's assistant;
(3) Advanced practice registered nurse (APRN); or
(4) Any other practitioner with diagnostic and prescriptive powers licensed by the appropriate state licensing board.
(r) "Medicaid" means the Title XIX and Title XXI programs administered by the department which makes medical assistance available to eligible individuals.
(s) "Palliative care" means recipient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering. Palliative care throughout the continuum of illness involves addressing physical, intellection, emotional, social, and spiritual needs and to facilitate recipient autonomy, access to information, and choice.
(t) "Quarter" means one of 4 calendar periods ending March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
(u) "Recipient" means any individual who is eligible for and receiving medical assistance under the medicaid program.
(v) "Respite care" means short-term inpatient care provided to the recipient only when necessary to relieve the family members or other persons caring for the recipient.
(w) "Room and board services" includes performance of personal care services, including assistance in the activities of daily living, in socializing activities, administration of medication, maintaining the cleanliness of a resident's room, and supervision and assistance in the use of durable medical equipment and prescribed therapies.
(x) "Routine home care" means hospice care received at the place of residence and which is not continuous home care as defined in (d) above.
(y) "Terminally ill" means that the recipient has a medical prognosis with a life expectancy of 6 months or less if the illness runs its normal course.
(z) "Title XIX" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XIX of the Social Security Act (SSA) and administered in NH by the department under the medicaid program.
(aa) "Title XXI" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XXI of the Social Security Act (SSA) and administered in NH by the department under the medicaid program.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 544.01

#9726-A, eff 7-1-10; amd by #10139, eff 7-1-12

Amended by Number 6, Filed February 8, 2024, Proposed by #13847, Effective 1/6/2024, Expires 1/6/2034 (See Revision Note at part heading for He-W 544).