N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 1504.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-C 1504.02 - Public Use Data Sets

Public use data sets shall consist of the following health care data elements:

(a) Type of bill;
(b) Patient county, state, and country, as coded by the department from patient address;
(c) Patient sex;
(d) Patient age if under 90, and if 90 or over patient age aggregated into a single category of age 90 or older;
(e) Patient race;
(f) Patient ethnicity;
(g) Admission year;
(h) Admission hour;
(i) Admission type;
(j) Priority of visit;
(k) Admission source;
(l) Length of stay;
(m) Discharge year;
(n) Discharge hour;
(o) Discharge patient status;
(p) Condition codes;
(q) Occurrence codes;
(r) Value codes and amounts;
(s) Revenue codes;
(t) Accommodation rates/HCPCS and HIPPS rates;
(u) Service units;
(v) Total charges;
(w) Payer type, as coded by the department into Commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, Other Federal Government, Workers Compensation, Uninsured, Self-Pay, and Other;
(x) Patient's relationship to insured;
(y) Diagnosis and procedure code qualifier;
(z) Principal diagnosis code, and present on admission indicator;
(aa) Other diagnosis codes;
(ab) Admitting diagnosis;
(ac) Patient's reason for visit;
(ad) Diagnosis related group (DRG), as coded by the department where data is sufficient;
(ae) E-codes;
(af) Principal procedure code;
(ag) Other procedure codes;
(ah) Health care facility name;
(ai) Health care facility type, as coded by the department according to facility license; and
(aj) Record type flag for inpatient and outpatient, as coded by the department from type of bill.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 1504.02

#4168-a, eff 11-18-86; EXPIRED 11-18-92

New. #5844, eff 7-1-94, EXPIRED: 7-1-00

New. # 9436, eff 3-21-09

Amended by Volume XXXVII Number 15, Filed April 13, 2017, Proposed by #12139, Effective 3/22/2017, Expires 9/18/2017.