Section Gal 403.03 - Specific Activities Qualifying for Continuing Education CreditsThe board shall accept the following activities in fulfillment of the continuing education requirement of these rules:
(a) Attending a training session described in Gal 303.02(b) (1) or (c), in addition to the training sessions taken in fulfillment of the requirements for initial certification, which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the actual number of hours, or portion of an hour, of attendance;(b) Attending a review course on general or area specific guardian ad litem activity as specified in Gal 403.07, which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the number of hours, or portion of an hour, of actual attendance;(c) Attending a training session which has been approved by the board for continuing education credits under Gal 403.04, which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the number of hours, or portion of an hour, of actual attendance;(d) Attending a class or course of instruction, or engaging in an activity, approved for continuing legal education credit under New Hampshire supreme court rule 53 that the board concludes meets the requirements of Gal 403.02(a), (c), (d) and (e), which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the number of credit hours that would be allowed if submitted by an attorney for the purposes of continuing legal education;(e) Serving as an instructor in a class or course of instruction approved for continuing legal education credit under New Hampshire supreme court rule 53 that the board concludes meets the requirements of Gal 403.02(a), (c), (d) and (e), which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the number of credit hours that would be allowed if submitted by an attorney for the purposes of continuing legal education;(f) Completing, with a grade of B or better, a college or university class, or college or university course, that the board concludes meets the requirements of Gal 403.02(a) through (e), which shall qualify for a number of credits equivalent to the number of hours, or portion of an hour, of actual attendance in the class or course;(g) Serving as an instructor in a college or university class, or college or university course, that the board concludes meets the requirements of Gal 403.02(a) through (e), which shall qualify for a number of credits that is equivalent to 2 times the number of hours, or portion of an hour, spent in actual classroom instruction; and(h) Serving as a presiding officer or investigator in matters before the board, which shall qualify for 10 continuing education credits for each matter assigned.N.H. Admin. Code § Gal 403.03
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 45, Filed November 10, 2016, Proposed by #12010, Effective 10/21/2016, Expires 11/1/2026.