N.H. Admin. Code § Fis 807.07

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Fis 807.07 - Application Procedures for a Marine Aquaculture License
(a) Each applicant for a marine aquaculture license under RSA 211:62-e shall make application in writing to the executive director.
(b) The applicant shall complete and submit an application containing the following:
(1) A list of the species to be managed or cultivated;
(2) A description of the proposed project, including:
a. Methodology;
b. The type of aquaculture operation such as bottom culture, suspended culture, pen culture or a land-based system;
c. The location and description of the geographic area where the proposed project is to be undertaken described by latitude and longitude coordinates and identified on the most detailed NOAA chart of the particular area or USGS map for a landbased operation;
d. Site specific information which is available including:
1. Tidal information;
2. Location of natural resources such as shellfish and eelgrass beds and finfish stocks;
3. Benthic characterization of sediment types;
4. Recreational and/or commercial activities in and around the site; and
5. Navigational aspects such as channels, navigational aids, vessel traffic, or moorings; and
e. Type, size and configuration of any gear used during any phase of the aquaculture operations and how it will be used;
(3) Source of organisms to be utilized throughout the project;
(4) Disposition of organisms during the various phases of the project;
(5) A list of any biocides, algaecides, antibiotics or other methods of control or treatment to be used during the project;
(6) A description of any restricted use proposed by the aquaculture project which shall include identifying any existing activity which would be restricted or prohibited;
(7) A written statement that the applicant either owns or has written permission from the owner(s) to exercise any littoral right, necessary to carry out the proposed project;
(8) List of agencies to whom copies of complete application will be sent as required in Fis 807.07(g) ( 2); and
(9) A copy of the current municipal tax map and complete list of names and addresses of all the abutters and littoral owners to the proposed project.
(c) Upon receipt of the application the executive director shall determine the completeness of the application and notify the applicant in writing within 30 days as to its completeness or describe fully any deficiency found.
(d) The department shall conduct a site assessment or evaluation for any area that has not had a site assessment completed within the previous 2 years. The department staff shall conduct the site assessment for purposes of verifying or updating data and information included in the application. Site assessments shall be conducted between May and October.
(e) The site assessment shall include but not limited to:
(1) Site visit;
(2) Benthic substrate evaluation to characterize the sediment types;
(3) Review of the fisheries uses in the area;
(4) Typical wildlife and aquatic plants;
(5) Location of channel, navigational aids, moorings;
(6) Recreational, commercial, or other activities being conducted in the area;
(7) Tidal information such as flow rate, height or direction; and
(8) Location of other aquaculture activities within one mile of the proposed site(s).
(f) After the complete application has been received and the department's site evaluation is complete, the executive director shall set a hearing date and notify the applicant of the date, time and location of the hearing.
(g) Upon being notified that the hearing date has been scheduled, the applicant shall:
(1) Send written notice at least 21 days prior to the public hearing by certified mail to all abutters and littoral owners of the proposed project, if different from the licensee, and submit copies of the certified receipts to the executive director; and
(2) Send copies of the complete application and notification of the public hearing to any other state or federal agencies that might require permitting, licensing or have jurisdiction over activities associated with the proposed project such as but not limited to:
a. The NH department of health and human services;
b. The NH department of environmental services;
c. The NH port authority, the Army Corps of Engineers;
d. The Environmental Protection Agency;
e. The United States Coast Guard; or
f. The National Marine Fisheries Services.
(h) The notice to land owners required in Fis 807.07(g)(1) shall include:
(1) The details of the project;
(2) The exact location(s) of the project;
(3) The date, time and place of the public hearing;
(4) The name and mailing address of executive director so that they can respond in writing; and
(5) The deadline for written comment which shall be 14 days after the scheduled public hearing.
(i) The executive director shall provide public notice in the newspaper of the scheduled hearing at least 21 days prior to the hearing. Any interested person may submit written comments on the proposed project to the executive director up to 14 days after the public hearing on the proposed aquaculture project.
(j) The executive director shall review all of the information to determine that the proposed aquaculture operation would not pose any unacceptable risk as specified in Fis 807.02(g), does not conflict with or negatively impact any recreational, commercial or other use currently being conducted in the area in and around the proposed project area, or does not adversely impact the value or use of private property in and around the projected area before issuing a license.

N.H. Admin. Code § Fis 807.07

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Fis 800) #5507, eff 11-20-92; ss by #6028, eff 4-27-95 (See Revision Note at part heading for Fis 807); ss by #6889, eff 11-21-98, EXPIRED: 11-21-06

New. #8767, INTERIM, eff 11-22-06, EXPIRED: 5-21-07

New. #8893, eff 6-5-07

Amended by Volume XXXV Number 27, Filed July 9, 2015 , Proposed by #10868, Effective 6/25/2015, Expires12/22/2015.
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 06, Filed February 11, 2016, Proposed by #11029, Effective 1/26/2016, Expires 1/26/2026.