N.H. Admin. Code § Fis 1104.06

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Fis 1104.06 - Complimentary Fishing Permit
(a) The administrator of a New Hampshire state or county institution, nursing home facility, or veteran's hospital shall apply in writing to the executive director of the department for the issuance of a complimentary group fishing permit to benefit the residents or patients of his or her facility.
(b) The applicant shall include:
(1) The name and address of the facility;
(2) The name and telephone number of a contact person at the facility; and
(3) The number of patients or residents to be included under this permit.
(c) The executive director shall review the request and shall issue the complimentary group fishing permit to the facility under the following conditions:
(1) The complimentary group fishing permit issued to the facility shall be permanent;
(2) The patient or resident fishing under the permit shall be under direct supervision of a staff member or volunteer at all times while fishing;
(3) The person supervising the patient or resident shall not assist in the taking of fish unless the person possesses a fishing license as required by RSA 214:1; and
(4) The permit shall be returned to the department if the facility ceases operation, is no longer a publicly owned facility, or voluntarily ceases to offer fishing as an activity to its patients or residents.
(d) An application to grant a complimentary fishing permit to an individual resident of a head injury treatment facility licensed by the department of health and human services or an individual developmentally disabled person, as defined in RSA 171-A:2, V, shall be filed on the "Complimentary Fishing Permit Application", form Rev. 01/23, available at complimentary-fishing-permit.pdf (nh.gov), by:
(1) The individual receiving services, if legally capable of filing an application;
(2) The administrator of a head injury treatment facility, on behalf of a patient receiving treatment; or
(3) The parent or legal guardian of a developmentally disabled person.
(e) The applicant, administrator, parent, or guardian shall complete the top portion of form required by paragraph (d) above.
(f) The applicant, administrator, parent, or guardian shall have the bottom portion of the form completed by a physician or advanced practice registered nurse practitioner familiar with the medical condition of the person receiving services.
(g) When both portions of the form have been fully completed, the applicant shall submit it in person or by mail to the fish and game department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301. If submitted to the department by mail, the applicant shall also enclose a business sized, stamped, self-addressed envelope to allow return of the license document by mail.
(h) Upon verification that the person receiving services is medically eligible as a head injury patient or as a developmentally disabled person, a complimentary permit shall be issued under the following conditions:
(1) The complimentary fishing permit shall be issued in the name of a specific patient, resident, or developmentally disabled person and shall be renewable annually while the person continues to receive services at the facility;
(2) The patient, resident, or developmentally disabled person shall be under direct supervision of an adult person at all times while fishing;
(3) The person supervising the patient, resident, or developmentally disabled person shall not assist in the taking of fish unless the person possesses a fishing license as required by RSA 214:1; and
(4) The permit shall be returned to the department within 10 days if the facility ceases operation, is no longer providing head injury treatment services under its facility license, ceases to offer fishing as an activity to the named patient or resident, or the developmentally disabled person ceases to have fishing as an activity.

N.H. Admin. Code § Fis 1104.06

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Fis 1100) #8183, eff 9-28-04 (formerly Fis 1103.02 ); ss by #9800-A, eff 1-1-11

Amended by Volume XXXIX Number 24, Filed June 13, 2019, Proposed by #12785, Effective 5/22/2019, Expires 5/22/2029.
Amended by Number 10, Filed March 7, 2024, Proposed by #13874, Effective 2/23/2024, Expires 2/23/2034.