N.H. Admin. Code § Fire 203.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Fire 203.01 - Petitions for Rulemaking
(a) Any person may request the commission to commence a proceeding for the purpose of adopting, amending, or repealing a rule by filing a petition.
(b) The petition for rulemaking shall contain the following:
(1) The text of the proposed rule or a statement of the results intended by the petitioner to flow from the implementation of the proposed rules; or
(2) If the petitioner proposed to amend or repeal an existing rule, an identification of the particular rule sought to be amended or repealed.
(c) Petitions shall be filed in accordance with Fire 201.05.
(d) The petition shall be granted if the commission determines:
(1) The commission has rulemaking authority pursuant to RSA 21-P:27 or RSA 541-A;
(2) The petition clearly identifies issues which require rulemaking;
(3) There is not an existing rule which addresses the issues raised in the petition; and
(4) The petition is consistent with RSA 21-P:27 and any applicable case law.

N.H. Admin. Code § Fire 203.01

#5726, eff 10-21-93, EXPIRED: 10-21-99

New. #7145, INTERIM, eff 12-2-99, EXPIRED: 3-31-00

New. #7332, eff 8-1-00; ss by #9218, INTERIM, eff 8-1-08; ss by #9319-A, eff 11-12-08

Amended by Volume XXXVII Number 28, Filed July 13, 2017, Proposed by #12225-A, Effective 6/28/2017.