N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wt, ch. Env-Wt 300, app D

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025

RSA 482-A:3

V. (a) Persons who have complied with notice of intent to cut wood requirements under RSA 79:10, and who have filed an appropriate notice of intent with the department and the department of natural and cultural resources, shall have satisfied the permitting requirements of this section for minimum impact activities only as defined by rules adopted by the commissioner. Minimum impact notifications issued by the department shall be valid for 2 years.

(b) Appropriate notice to the department and the department of natural and cultural resources shall include the following information:

(1) Name and address of property owner;

(2) Name and address of logger or forester;

(3) Town, tax map, number and lot number of job site; and

(4) A copy of the appropriate United States Geological Survey topographic map, or a copy of the appropriate United States Natural Resources Conservation Service soils map, with the type and location of all wetland and waterbody crossings clearly indicated.

(c) A $25 filing fee shall accompany the notice to the department. Such fees shall be held in accordance with paragraph III.

(d) The filing of an intent to cut form under RSA 79:10 shall be considered as permission to the department or the department of natural and cultural resources, or their agents, to enter the property for determining compliance with this chapter.

(e) The certificate issued under RSA 79:10 shall be posted upon receipt. Prior to receipt of such certificate, a copy of the intent to cut form, signed by the appropriate municipal official, shall be available on the job site, and shall be shown to any person who asks to see it.

XII. (a) Persons who construct and maintain recreational trails in accordance with the Best Management Practices for Erosion Control During Trail Maintenance and Construction published by the department of resources and economic development and who have filed an appropriate notice, as described in subparagraph (b), to construct or maintain such trails with the department and the department of resources and economic development shall have satisfied the permitting requirements of this section for minimum impact activities, as defined by rules adopted by the commissioner.

(b) Appropriate notice to the department and the department of resources and economic development shall include the following information:

(1) Name and address of organization constructing or maintaining the recreational trail.

(2) Name and address of property owner.

(3) Town, tax map number, and lot number of property.

(4) A copy of the appropriate United States Geological Survey topographic map with the type and location of all wetland and waterbody crossings clearly indicated.

(c) A $25 filing fee shall accompany the notice to the department. Such fees shall be held in accordance with paragraph III.

XV. (a) Utility providers who maintain and repair existing utility services within existing rights of way under the Best Management Practices Manual for Utility Maintenance in and Adjacent to Wetlands and Water bodies in New Hampshire published by the department of resources and economic development, and who have complied with subparagraphs (b)-(e) shall satisfy the permitting requirements of this section, including any portion located in or adjacent to a prime wetland, for minimum impact activities as defined by rules adopted by the commissioner.

(b) Appropriate notice to the department shall include the following information:

(1) The name and address of the person, employed by the utility provider responsible for overseeing the maintenance.

(2) A brief written description of the nature of the work to be conducted.

(3) A copy of the appropriate United States Geological Survey topographic map with the locations of the projects indicated.

(c) Appropriate notice to the town clerk of each municipality in which work will occur shall include the name of a utility provider contact and a brief description of the work to be conducted.

(d) A one-time annual filing fee of $200 per town, not to exceed a maximum of $10,000, shall accompany the notice to the department. Such fees shall be held in accordance with paragraph III.

(e) No additional fee shall be required for amendments to the notification as long as additional towns are not included in the amendment. Additional towns included in the amendment shall be subject to an additional fee of $200 per town, not to exceed the annual maximum under subparagraph (d).

XVI. (a) Except as provided in paragraph XVII, any person or political subdivision that repairs or replaces culverts or stream crossing structures in accordance with the best management practices for routine roadway maintenance in New Hampshire published by the department of transportation, including culverts up to and including 48 inches in diameter or the functional hydraulic equivalent, and files an appropriate notice under subparagraph (b), shall satisfy the permitting requirements of this section for minimum impact activities, as defined by rules adopted by the commissioner.

(b) Appropriate notice to the department shall include a completed routine roadway notification form as outlined in rules adopted by the commissioner pursuant to RSA 541-A including, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Name and mailing address of the applicant or authorized person.

(2) Name and mailing address of the applicant or authorized agent, if any, representing the political subdivision.

(3) Telephone number, and e-mail address and fax number if available.

(4) A copy of the appropriate United States Geological Survey topographic map at its original scale on 8 1/2 x 11 sheets with the project locations clearly labeled.

(5) Town tax map, number, and lot number, if any, of the project sites.

(6) Project location including street name and address or distance from the nearest intersection to the project.

(7) Information regarding the existing and proposed structure shown on plan sheets or equivalent plans as shown in the best management practices for routine roadway manual and a listing of the best management practices to be used during construction.

(8) Color photographs depicting the proposed work sites showing existing structures, surrounding land, and jurisdictional areas in and adjacent to the work location.

(9) A signed certification that information is accurate and correct and that work will conform to the best management practices for routine roadway maintenance.

(c) Appropriate notice to the department under subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall be mailed and received by department at least 5 days prior to the start of construction.

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wt, ch. Env-Wt 300, app D