N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Ws 401.04

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Ws 401.04 - Permit Application Required; Application Content
(a) The applicant for a state surface water discharge permit or modification thereto shall submit the information required in (b), below, in writing to the department.
(b) The applicant shall provide the following:
(1)The name and location of the facility;
(2) The name, title, and daytime telephone number of the individual in responsible charge of the facility;
(3) The name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number of the owner of the facility and, if the owner is other than an individual, the name, title, and daytime telephone number of an individual who can be contacted regarding the application;
(4) The mailing address of the facility;
(5) The North American Industry Classification System ( NAICS) code;
(6) A list of any other environmental permits that the facility has obtained or is in the process of obtaining;
(7) A description of the business conducted at the facility;
(8)A unit process flow diagram and design data for existing and proposed wastewater treatment facilities;
(9) A list of the water supply source(s) for the facility and, if water from more than one source is discharged, the percent of the total that each source represents;
(10) An original or a color copy of a 7 1/2 minute series USGS Quadrangle map showing the location of the facility and all discharge pipes to the receiving water body, provided, however that if a 7 1/2 minute map is unavailable, a l5 minute series shall be acceptable;
(11) A facility site plan showing buildings, outfall locations, surface waters, and drainage in sufficient detail so that they can be located on site;
(12) The name of the receiving water;
(13) If applicable, facility plans and specifications for design and construction stamped by a New Hampshire professional engineer;
(14) A description and location of the uses of the receiving water located within 5 miles of the discharge(s); and
(15) Any available water quality data of the receiving water or, if applicable, effluent data not previously submitted to the department.
(c) An applicant that is requesting a new discharge or an increased discharge of pollutants at an existing facility shall contact the department prior to submitting the application to determine if any instream water quality information shall be required. If the department lacks the instream water quality data necessary to assess the impact of the discharge on the receiving water, the department shall require the applicant to submit the necessary data.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Ws 401.04

#8361, eff 5-28-05