N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Ws 379.03

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Ws 379.03 - Definitions

(a) "Acceptable water quality" means water that does not violate ambient groundwater quality standards established by RSA 485-C:6 or rules adopted pursuant thereto.

(b) "Applicant" means the supplier of water or their agent.

(c) "Approved yield" means the capacity necessary for design approval under Env-Ws 372 or Env-Ws 373 or their predecessors for community water supply systems.

(d) "Aquifer parameter value" means values of parameters which describe the physical properties of the aquifer such as transmissivity and hydraulic boundary conditions.

(e) "Available drawdown" means the distance between the water level in the well casing and the uppermost productive water bearing zone, the pump intake, or the top of the screen, whichever distance is least.

(f) "Background well" means a monitoring well outside the expected area of influence of the test well which serves to identify regional, background conditions throughout the pumping test program.

(g) "Bedrock production well" means a well which draws water from fractures in any consolidated material.

(h) "Community water system" means "community water system" as defined in 485:1-a, i, namely "a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents."

(i) "Cone of depression" means a depression in the potentiometric surface of a body of groundwater that has the general shape of an inverted cone and develops around a well from which water is being withdrawn.

(j) Confined aquifer" means an aquifer in which groundwater is under pressures greater than the atmospheric pressure, which results in groundwater within a borehole rising to a level which is higher than the level at which water is first encountered, and which receives negligible recharge from overlying deposits during pumping.

(k) "Conceptual hydrogeologic model" means a description of geology, aquifer hydraulics, and recharge patterns which incorporates published information, available field data, and conservative assumptions for the study area.

(l) "Conservative assumption" means an assumption made during analyses required for a new well siting which results in the larger wellhead protection area and/or lower permitted production volume.

(m) "Constant pumping rate" means a pumping rate that does not vary by greater than 5% after the first 6 hours of pumping.

(n) "Contaminants" means substances that degrade the natural water quality as a result of human activities.

(o) "Contributing area" means "contributing area" as defined in RSA 485-C:2,IV. The term includes the area of land surface above the subsurface volume from which groundwater flows to a pumping well.

(p) "Department" means the department of environmental services.

(q) "Final report" means the report submitted to the department after the pumping test and water quality sampling programs are conducted at the proposed well site.

(r) "Flow net" means a map showing lines of equal hydraulic head with lines showing the direction of groundwater flow such that the amount of groundwater flow through all sections of the net is equal.

(s) "Groundwater" means "groundwater" as defined in RSA 485-C:2, VIII namely, "subsurface water that occurs beneath the water table in soil and geologic formations."

(t) "Hydrogeology" means the study of the occurrence, movement, and chemical nature of surface water and groundwater in relation to its geologic environment.

(u) "Known contamination source" means a land use from which contaminants are known to emanate and degrade groundwater quality.

(v) "Large overburden production well" means a production well that produces a permitted production volume of equal to or greater than 57,600 gallons which is exposed to and draws water from any type of unconsolidated material, including but not limited to, sand and gravel deposits. The term includes dug wells, tubular wells, well points, and naturally developed gravel wells.

(w) "Large bedrock production well" means a production well that produces a permitted production volume equal to or greater than 57,600 gallons and which is exposed to and draws water from any type of consolidated material.

(x) "Monitoring well" means a well used to observe or sample groundwater.

(y) "New well" means any well without current design approval in accordance with Env-Ws 372 or Env-Ws 373 or any well that has been inactive and has not been regularly sampled under the system's chemical monitoring program or any well that is deepened or otherwise improved to increase its approved yield.

(z) "Permitted production volume" means the maximum volume of groundwater allowed by the department to be withdrawn or pumped from a public water supply production well in a 24-hour period.

(aa) "Porous media assumption" means groundwater flow that conforms to Darcy's Law, mainly flow through porous media which is laminar and of low velocity.

(ab) "Potentiometric surface" means the surface where groundwater pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure.

(ac) "Potential contamination source" means human activities or operations that pose a risk that regulated contaminants might be introduced into the environment in such quantities as to degrade the natural groundwater quality. The term includes those land uses listed in RSA 485-C:7,II.

(ad) "Preliminary report" means the report submitted to the department prior to conducting the pumping test and water quality programs at the proposed well site.

(ae) "Production well" means a well designed and constructed to withdraw groundwater for a community water supply system.

(af) "Pumping test production rate" means the constant pumping rate that is maintained throughout the pumping test which is used to establish the permitted production volume.

(ag) "Regulated contaminant" means "regulated contaminant" as defined in RSA 485-C:2, XIII namely "any physical, chemical, biological, radiological substance or other matter, other than naturally occurring substances at naturally occurring levels, in water which adversely affects human health or the environment."

(ah) "Supplier of water" means a "supplier of water" as defined under RSA 485:1-a, XVI namely "any person who controls, owns or generally manages a public water system."

(ai) "Surface water" means "surface waters of the state" as defined in RSA 485-A:2, XIV, namely "streams, lakes, ponds and tidal waters within the jurisdiction of the state, including all streams, lakes, or ponds bordering on the state, marshes, water courses and other bodies of water, natural or artificial."

(aj) "Test well" means a well used during a pumping test from which groundwater is withdrawn or pumped which may or may not become the production well.

(ak) "Well" means any conveyance used to capture or withdraw water from the ground.

(al) "Wellhead protection area" means "wellhead protection area" as defined in RSA 485-C:28, XVIII namely "the surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or wellfield, supplying a public water system, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such water well or wellfield". The term includes the contributing area for production wells which supply community water systems.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Ws 379.03

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Ws 300) #6521, eff 6-4-97; ss by #6979, eff 4-21-99; ss by #8871, INTERIM, eff 4-21-07, EXPIRES: 10-18-07