N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 2104.03

Current through Register No. 37, September 12, 2024
Section Env-Sw 2104.03 - Capping System Requirements
(a) All asbestos at an asbestos disposal site shall be buried under a capping system that is designed to meet the criteria specified in (b) through (e), below.
(b) The capping system shall be designed and maintained to prevent the asbestos from becoming exposed under the following site-specific conditions and events:
(1) The 100-year, 24-hour storm;
(2) The 100-year flood;
(3) Seasonal frost action;
(4) Erosion due to wind, water, and other factors; and
(5) Site land use and activities.
(c) The capping system shall have cover materials placed in layers, as follows:
(1) Surface cover materials shall be of such type as will eliminate or control erosion, including but not limited to one or more of the following:
a. Riprap, densely packed;
b. Bituminous concrete, free of cracks or openings;
c. Portland cement concrete, free of cracks or openings; and
d. Vegetation that, if up-rooted, will not expose the underlying asbestos layer;
(2) The cover material immediately below the surface cover materials shall be of sufficient character and thickness to support and enhance the long-term effectiveness of the surface cover materials; and
(3) Earthen cover material below the layer described in (2), above, and above the asbestos deposit shall be a free-draining sandy gravel material.
(d) The total combined depth of the cover materials shall be the depth required to meet the performance standards established in (b), above, but in no case shall the combined depth of cover materials be less than 6 inches.
(e) Geosynthetics shall be incorporated in the capping system when necessary to:
(1) Inhibit asbestos from becoming exposed to the ground surface as a result of frost action;
(2) Prevent different layers of cover materials from inter-mixing; or
(3) Create a barrier to warn against digging into the underlying asbestos.
(f) In addition to the cover materials described above, the capping system shall include such structures and features as are needed to fully contain and cover the waste as required by (b), above, such as retaining walls or curbing used to contain the waste and support the cover materials, drainage swales used to intercept and direct storm water away and off from the capping system, and other structures necessary to support the integrity and performance of the capping system.
(g) Nothing stated in (a) through (f), above, shall be construed to waive compliance with other local, state, and federal building codes, construction standards, and other requirements that apply to establishing the capping system and undertaking the type of land uses and activities the capping system is designed to support pursuant to (b)(5), above. To the extent another applicable code conflicts with these rules, the requirement(s) that are more protective of public health, safety, and the environment shall apply, provided that all necessary approvals are obtained as specified in this chapter.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 2104.03

#7647, eff 2-16-02 (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Sw 2100) (formerly Env-Wm 3904.03); ss by #9645, eff 2-16-10

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 37, Filed September 13, 2018, Proposed by #12605, Effective 9/1/2018, Expires 9/1/2028.