N.H. Admin. Code § En 509.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section En 509.01 - F-1G Rate of Return
(a) For purposes of this part, "natural gas utility" means any utility that receives direct deliveries through a natural gas interstate pipeline.
(b) Natural gas utilities shall file department "Form F-1G, Rate of Return," dated October 2023 with the department and the commission on a quarterly basis reporting the historical weather normalized rate of return for the preceding 12 months.
(c) Natural gas utilities shall include on Form F-1G the following components:
(1) The name of the utility filing the report;
(2) Operating revenues for 12 months;
(3) Weather normalization;
(4) Operating expenses for 12 months, including:
a. Gas costs;
b. Other production;
c. Distribution;
d. Customer accounting;
e. Sales and new business;
f. General and administrative;
g. Federal and state income taxes;
h. Property taxes;
i. Other taxes;
j. Depreciation;
k. Amortization;
l. Operating rent; and
m. Interest on customer deposits;
(5) Rate base components for:
a. New Hampshire plant;
b. Material and supplies;
c. Cash working capital requirement;
d. Prepayments;
e. Customer deposits;
f. Accrued interest customer deposits;
g. Depreciation reserve;
h. Deferred income taxes;
i. Reimbursable contributions; and
j. Any other item properly includible in the utility's rate base.
(6) Weighted cost of capital components for:
a. Current capital structure;
b. Cost of debt; and
c. Last commission approved cost of equity;
(7) Operating utility income for 12 months;
(8) Allowed operating utility income using weighted cost of capital;
(9) Actual return on rate base;
(10) Allowed return on rate base; and
(11) The signature, full name and title of the utility employee who supervised the preparation of the report, and date of signature.
(d) The rate of return calculation shall exclude merger push-down accounting unless such accounting treatment has explicit commission approval.
(e) Utilities shall file Form F-1G no later than 45 days from the end of each fiscal quarter.

N.H. Admin. Code § En 509.01

Derived from Number 45, Filed November 9, 2023, Proposed by #13796, Effective 10/25/2023, Expires 10/25/2033.