N.H. Admin. Code § En 1203.19

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section En 1203.19 - Interruption of Service
(a) In the event of interruption of service, utilities shall re-establish service within the shortest time practicable consistent with safety.
(b) When service is interrupted because the utility must perform work on mains, lines, or equipment, the utility shall perform the work at a time causing minimum inconvenience to customers consistent with the circumstances.
(c) Whenever practicable with reference to the planned work contemplated by (b) above, utilities shall notify the following customers, where known, in advance:
(1) Alarm services;
(2) Medical alert services;
(3) Emergency services;
(4) Medical emergency customers; and
(5) Other similarly situated customers who will be seriously affected by the service interruption.
(d) A utility may interrupt or curtail service or vary the characteristics thereof in the following circumstances:
(1) When necessary to prevent injury to persons or property;
(2) When requested by state and municipal fire, police, or emergency response officials; and
(3) When necessary to effect a temporary load reduction or temporary rationing of product for the common good of the utility system.
(e) Additional specificity regarding interruption of service shall be contained in the following rules:
(1) Electric, En 300;
(2) Gas, En 500;
(3) Water, En 600; and
(4) Sewer, En 700.

N.H. Admin. Code § En 1203.19

Derived from Number 24, Filed June 13, 2024, Proposed by #13986, Effective 5/30/2024, Expires5/30/2034 (see Revision Note at chapter heading for En 1200).