N.H. Admin. Code § En 1203.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section En 1203.01 - Initiation of Utility Service
(a) The utility may require all applicants for service under a utility's filed tariff to make application to the utility in writing, in accordance with the forms prescribed by the utility.
(b) An applicant for service may initially make an oral application for service. If the utility requires written confirmation as provided for in (a) above, the utility shall require such written confirmation of the oral application to be made within 10 calendar days.
(c) The location to which an applicant requests service shall be:
(1) Within the utility's authorized franchise area; and
(2) Equipped with existing utility facilities in compliance with local occupancy requirements.
(d) The utility shall make reasonable efforts to determine if the applicant has an outstanding balance with the utility at the time of the applicant's request for service.
(e) An applicant for residential service shall not be held responsible for an outstanding balance incurred in the name of someone other than the applicant unless:
(1) The applicant and the individual in whose name the balance was incurred resided together at the time the balance was incurred; and
(2) The applicant and the individual in whose name the balance was incurred will continue to reside together at the location for which new service has been requested.
(f) Notwithstanding (c)(2) above, upon receiving a request for service to a location where facilities do not exist, all utilities shall provide all facilities necessary for service, or initiate a request for such facilities, where the provision of service to the location is economically feasible and the customer has obtained all necessary easements and permits and paid all applicable fees under the utility's tariff, and those facilities shall be exempt from the timing constraints of En 1203.01(h) below.
(g) The utility may charge for connection of service as specified in its tariff.
(h) Upon compliance by an applicant with all application requirements, the utility shall complete the service connection, where facilities exist which support the requested service, without undue delay.
(i) At the time a customer contracts for construction involving the installation or modification of utility services, the utility shall provide the customer with written or electronic notice stating that there might be additional charges assessed by other providers for service requested by the customer from those providers.
(j) A utility shall not connect service at a rate other than the applicable tariffed rate or rate schedule unless a special contract for such service is in effect.
(k) A gas utility shall ask the customer applying for new service whether the service will be used to heat the location and for any other information necessary to determine if the appropriate rate will be a heating or non-heating rate.
(l) The utility shall not deny service to any otherwise qualified applicant based upon any of the following characteristics:
(1) Income;
(2) Home ownership;
(3) Race;
(4) Color;
(5) Creed;
(6) Sex;
(7) Gender identity;
(8) Sexual orientation;
(9) Marital status;
(10) Age, with the exception of unemancipated minors;
(11) National origin; or
(12) Disability.

N.H. Admin. Code § En 1203.01

Derived from Number 24, Filed June 13, 2024, Proposed by #13986, Effective 5/30/2024, Expires5/30/2034 (see Revision Note at chapter heading for En 1200).