Section Ed 318.12 - Issuance and Amendment of Charter(a) If the state board, under the local school board process or the state board process approves an application for a charter school, the state board shall issue a charter for the school.(b) Once the state board issues a charter to an applicant under the local school board process who has met all the requirements of RSA 194-B:3, III,(b), (c), and (d), the board of trustees shall inform the state board in writing of the results of the vote required by RSA 194-B:3, III(e) within 10 days of the vote.(c) For the state board process, the state board shall issue a charter to an applicant only under the conditions established by RSA 194-B:3-a and Ed 318.08.(d) A charter approved under the local school board process shall be amended in accordance with RSA 194-B:3, XI. An appeal by the applicant to the state board of the local school board decision pertaining to a proposed amendment shall be filed within 30 days of the denial, and shall be decided by the state board in accordance with Ed 200.(e) A charter approved under the state board process shall be amended in accordance with the following process: (1) A charter grantee may apply to the commissioner for amendment to its application;(2) After the commissioner's review the proposed amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly-scheduled state board meeting;(3) The state board shall notify the board of trustees in writing of its decision to grant or deny the proposed amendment, based on the charter requirements established in RSA 193-B:3, II, within 10 days of its decision, providing reasons for the decision; and(4) An appeal from a denial of the proposed amendment by the state board shall be in accordance with Ed 213.N.H. Admin. Code § Ed 318.12
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 27, Filed July 9, 2015, Proposed by #10873, Effective 7/1/2015, Expires7/1/2025.Amended by Volume XLI Number 36, Filed September 9, 2021, Proposed by #13253, Effective 8/18/2021, Expires 8/18/2031