Section Ed 1008.05 - Options for Development of the IPEIn accordance with 34 CFR 361.45(c)(1), the following applies to the options for development of the IPE:
(a) As soon as possible after determining eligibility, not to exceed 15 business days, the individual shall be notified in writing of the options available to the eligible individual for developing all or part of the IPE;(b) The individual may combine any of the options, and take on a greater degree of responsibility for the IPE, or receive increased assistance from NHVR over the course of time;(c) The individual shall choose one or more of the following methods to develop the IPE: (1) Without assistance from NHVR;(1) With assistance from a NHVR counselor; and(2) With technical assistance from other sources such as independent living centers, school guidance counselors, parents, friends, or community rehabilitation programs, which shall include the organizations and individuals receiving a copy of the IPE.(d) Regardless of the option chosen in (b) above, the counselor shall be responsible for reviewing and approving all IPEs, including any proposed changes, and shall provide counseling and guidance to the eligible individual.(e) The individual shall be informed of: (1) The required content or components of the IPE;(2) The requirement that the counselor shall review and approve the IPE and that the IPE shall be signed by both the counselor and the eligible individual prior to implementation;(3) The financial commitments for the services in the IPE, including information about NHVR administrative rules on economic need, comparable benefits, and service purchase;(4) Additional information the eligible individual requests or NHVR determines to be necessary to complete an IPE;(5) The rights and responsibilities of the individual in carrying out the IPE, including remedies available through due process pursuant to Ed 1021; and(6) The availability of the CAP and how to contact the CAP provider.N.H. Admin. Code § Ed 1008.05
Derived from Volume XLI Number 32, Filed August 12, 2021, Proposed by #13231, Effective 7/13/2021, Expires 7/13/2031