Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Bar 701.03 - Application Form for a Mobile Barbershop License(a) Each applicant for a mobile barbershop shall be currently licensed as a barber or master barber, or have a manager employed that is currently licensed as a barber or master barber.(b) Each applicant applying for a mobile barbershop license shall complete and submit an application on a "Mobile Shop Application" form, revised 5/2020, and a check, money order, or cash for the fee required pursuant to Bar 301.09(b)(8).(c) In addition to the requirements of Bar 301.09(b) the applicant, and manager if applicable, shall submit on page 3 of the "Mobile Barbershop Application" the same information and certify to the truthfulness of the information provided as required by Bar 301.01(b)(5) - (b) (7).(d) In addition to the requirements above, the applicant shall provide a bill of sale in the event of a change of ownership for a mobile barbershop.(e) Each applicant applying for a mobile barbershop license to independently operate a booth within a mobile barbershop, shall complete and submit the application for a booth rental license as specified in Bar 301.09(e)(1)-(4).(f) Upon receipt of a completed application in accordance with (b) or (f) above, the board shall contact the applicant by phone to set up a date and time of the inspection and requiring the booth renter, shop owner, and if applicable, manager to be present at the shop during the inspection.(g) A prior shop owner shall not be required to have an inspection for an initial booth rental application in a mobile barbershop.(h) If, upon inspection pursuant to Bar 701.06, the inspector finds that the shop is in compliance with RSA 313-A and Bar 404.02(a), the board shall issue a mobile barbershop license.(i) The board shall deny an application if: (1) The applicant does not meet the requirements of Bar 700; (2) The inspector finds the shop is not in compliance with RSA 313-A or Bar 404.01, with the exception that mobile barbershops need not meet the square footage requirements in Bar 302.03; (3) There is pending discipline against the shop license, shop owner's personal license(s), or the applicant's shop or personal license(s); or(4) The application contains fraudulent or deceitful information. (j) If the board denies an application pursuant to (i), above, the board shall return the application to the applicant with all attachments and a letter. The letter shall be in accordance with Bar 301.02(g).N.H. Admin. Code § Bar 701.03
Derived from Volume XL Number 46, Filed November 12, 2020, Proposed by #13128, Effective 10/30/2020, Expires 10/30/2030