Section Ath 404.02 - Misconduct Misconduct shall be:
(a) Knowingly or negligently providing inaccurate material information to the board or failing to provide complete and truthful material information upon inquiry by the board, including during the process of applying for a license, license renewal, or license reinstatement;(b) Conviction without annulment in any jurisdiction of any criminal offense which: (1) Constitutes a sexual offense;(2) Constitutes a violation of controlled substance law; or(3) Involves: b. The risk of such injury; or(c) Failing to report to the board a conviction described in (b) above within 30 days;(e) Engaging in sexual misconduct with, or sexual harassment of, a client;(f) Engaging in the practice of athletic training despiteactual or potential inability to render care with reasonable skill and safety by reason of illness, by reason of use of alcohol or drugs or any other material, or by reason of mental or physical condition;(g) Being subject to final disciplinary action by a regulatory authority in another domestic or foreign jurisdiction;(h) Failing to take appropriate action to safeguard individuals from incompetent counselors and health care practitioners, whether or not they are licensed in this state;(i) Practicing athletic training when a previous license is not currently valid; and(j) Violating: (1) Any provision of RSA 328-F;(2) Any provision of RSA 326-G;(3) Any rule adopted by the board; or(4) Any state or federal law reasonably related to the licensee's authority to practice or the licensee's ability to practice safely.N.H. Admin. Code § Ath 404.02
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 36, Filed September 10, 2015, Proposed by #10921, Effective 8/29/2015, Expires8/29/2025.