Section Alc 404.04 - Administrative Obligations of Supervised CRSWsCRSWs shall:
(a) Give a copy of Alc 404 to their supervisors;(b) Maintain records of the dates and hours they receive supervision and the name(s) of the supervisor(s); and(c) On the basis of such records, prepare a cumulative statement containing the following: (1) For each week identified by calendar date, the number of hours of individual supervision received and the number of hours of group supervision received;(2) The credentials, printed name(s), and signature(s) of the supervisor(s) providing the supervision; and(3) The printed name and signature of the CRSW preparing the statement and the date of the signature.N.H. Admin. Code § Alc 404.04
Derived From Volume XXXVIII Number 28, Filed July 12, 2018, Proposed by #12548, Effective 7/1/2018, Expires 7/1/2028.