Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Agr 4003.04 - Content of Application(a) Any eligible fair under Agr 4003.01 wishing to obtain a Capital Improvement Program Grant shall apply for a grant by submitting the following applicant information in writing to the department:(1) Name and location of the fair;(2) Attestation that the fair is a non-profit in New Hampshire, is in good standing with the New Hampshire Association of Fairs and Expositions, and is in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations;(3) Name, title, mailing address, email, and daytime telephone number of the individual who can answer questions on behalf of the applicant regarding the project;(4) List of names and contact information for the board of directors and include any conflict of interest forms they have signed;(5) List a treasurer's name and contact information who will be responsible for complying with the requirements under RSA 425:19-c (V);(6) List the dates and times the fair has been held in the past 3 years and the date and time of the fair in the coming year;(7) For each of the 3 previous years the fair has been held, provide information of the following: a. Area and population served;e. Number and type of exhibits and contests; andf. Community support or number of volunteers;(8) Describe how the fair has achieved success in its desired outcomes and purpose; and(9) List improvements made to the grounds and facilities of the fair from year to year.(b) Any eligible fair under Agr 4003.01 wishing to obtain a Capital Improvement Program Grant shall apply for a grant by submitting the following project information in writing to the department: (1) A detailed description of the proposed project; (2) A concise explanation of the need for the proposed project;(3) A brief explanation of how the project will improve the health and safety of participants and the fair-going public;(4) An estimated minimum useful life of the proposed project of at least 20 years;(5) An estimated completion time frame after execution of a contract to perform work authorized by the grant of no more than 2 years;(6) Provide a cost estimate from a contractor or provide details of costs for the fair to complete the project in house;(7) If the fair is to complete the project in house, provide information of how the fair will be in compliance with all applicable construction standards and permitting requirements; and(8) Provide documentation that at least 30% of the cost of the project is attributable to matching funds or in-kind services and will be kept in a separate account or accounting unit.N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 4003.04
Derived from Number 50, Filed December 14, 2023, Proposed by #13816, Effective 12/1/2023, Expires 12/1/2033.