Current through December 31, 2024
Section 703.385 - Form of tariff1. A tariff schedule must consist of the following parts or subdivisions arranged in order: (a) A title page which must be in the following form: TARIFF NO. ..........
Applicable to
(Kind of) Service
(Name of Utility)
(Describe Area of Operations)
(b) A complete index of numbers and titles of effective sheets or pages listed in the order in which the tariff sheets or pages are arranged in the tariff schedule.(c) A brief description of the territory served, with a map of the territory, types and classes of service rendered and the general conditions under which the service is rendered.2. For each page of a tariff schedule: (a) A margin of at least three-fourths of an inch must be on the left side of the page, a margin of at least one-half of an inch on the right side, a margin of 1 inch at the top of the page and a margin of 2 inches at the bottom of the page.(b) In the upper left-hand corner, the name and address of the public utility must be entered with the tariff number.(c) In the upper right-hand corner of the top margin, the number of the sheet of the Commission with designations as to whether it is an original or revised sheet, together with the Commission's number of the sheet cancelled, if any, by that sheet must be entered. Sheets must be numbered consecutively beginning with No. 1 for the first sheet filed.(d) In the lower left-hand corner of the bottom margin, the words, "Advice No.: (advice letter number)" or "Notice No.: (notice number)" must be entered.(e) In the center of the bottom margin, the words "Issued by: (name and title of the responsible utility official)" must be entered.(f) The lower right-hand corner of the bottom margin must be left blank for use by the Commission.3. Each rate schedule must include the following information, as nearly as possible in the order shown: (a) The schedule number or other description.(b) The class of service, such as commercial or domestic.(c) Character or applicability, such as heating, lighting, power or individual and party line telephone service.(d) The territory to which the schedule is applicable.(e) Rates in tabular form, where applicable.(f) Conditions, limitations, qualifications and restrictions. The conditions must be brief and clearly worded to cover all special conditions of the rates which are not fully covered in the rules.(g) If a rate schedule or a rule is continued from one sheet to another, the word "continued" must be shown at the bottom of and at the beginning of the appropriate sheets.4. Each rule must be numbered and have a title briefly indicating its contents. Appropriate general rules must cover the application of all rates, charges and service when the applicability is not fully set forth as a part of the rate schedules. The following subjects are representative of the type of information to be included in the rules of the utility set forth in the tariff schedules: (a) Clear and concise definitions of the principal terms used in the tariff schedules.(b) A description of the character of service rendered and the standards of service maintained.(c) The procedure which is necessary to obtain service.(d) Conditions precedent to rendering temporary service or service to speculative projects.(e) The procedure necessary to establish credit and to reestablish impaired credit.(f) The deposits required for various purposes and classes of service, the conditions precedent to the return of deposits and the interest paid on the deposits.(g) The method of serving notices.(h) The methods of rendering bills, billing periods, due date and acceptable methods of payment.(i) The methods used to adjust bills, the required amount to be deposited with the utility and the time limits.(j) Reasons for discontinuance, procedures for notification, time limits and procedures necessary for the restoration of service and charges.(k) Free extensions, deposits for extensions and refunds.(m) The right of the utility to enter onto the customer's property.(n) Any other items having special significance to particular conditions respecting the operations or policies of the utility.Nev. Admin. Code § 703.385
Pub. Service Comm'n, Gen. Order 3 §§ 23.030 & 23.050, eff. 1-1-79-NAC A 1-6-84; A by Pub. Utilities Comm'n by R010-05, 9-7-2005; R107-07, 12-4-2007