Current through December 31, 2024
Section 679B.675 - Applicability1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NAC 679B.800 to 679B.878, inclusive, NAC 679B.560 to 679B.750, inclusive, apply to insurance institutions, agents or insurance support organizations which:(a) In the case of life, health and disability insurance:(1) Collect, receive or maintain information in connection with insurance transactions involving natural persons who are residents of this State; or(2) Engage in insurance transactions with applicants, natural persons or policyholders who are residents of this State; or(b) In the case of property or casualty insurance involving policies, contracts or certificates of insurance delivered, issued for delivery or renewed in this State: (1) Collect, receive or maintain information in connection with insurance transactions; or(2) Engage in insurance transactions.2. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NAC 679B.800 to 679B.878, inclusive, the rights granted by NAC 679B.560 to 679B.750, inclusive, extend to: (a) In the case of life, health or disability insurance, the following residents of this State: (1) Natural persons who are the subject of information collected, received or maintained in connection with insurance transactions; and(2) Applicants, natural persons or policyholders who engage in or seek to engage in insurance transactions; and(b) In the case of property or casualty insurance: (1) Natural persons who are the subject of information collected, received or maintained in connection with insurance transactions involving policies, contracts or certificates of insurance delivered, issued for delivery or renewed in this State; and(2) Applicants, natural persons or policyholders who engage in or seek to engage in insurance transactions involving policies, contracts or certificates of insurance delivered, issued for delivery or renewed in this State.3. For the purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed a resident of this State if the person's last known mailing address, as shown in the records of the insurance institution, agent or insurance-support organization, is located in this State.4. Notwithstanding subsections 1 and 2, NAC 679B.560 to 679B.750, inclusive, do not apply to: (a) Information collected from the public records of a governmental authority and maintained by an insurance institution or its representatives for the purpose of insuring the title to real property located in this State; or(b) Nonpublic personal financial information, as that term is defined in NAC 679B.828.Nev. Admin. Code § 679B.675
Added to NAC by Comm'r of Insurance, 10-4-88, eff. 1-1-89; A by R130-01, 12-17-2002