Nev. Admin. Code § 644A.270

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 644A.270 - General requirements; notice of results of theory examination
1. When an applicant for licensure in any branch of cosmetology registers for the theory examination, he or she must submit to the Board:
(a) If the applicant attended a school of cosmetology that is located in this State, an original record of completion of the required courses of training and a copy of the final time record for the courses studied;
(b) If the applicant attended a school of cosmetology that is located outside of this State, including, without limitation, a school of cosmetology that is located outside of the United States, a letter or record from the governmental agency, if any, that regulates such schools in the appropriate jurisdiction which verifies that the student completed courses of training and attended a number of hours per subject that are comparable to the requirements in this State; or
(c) If the applicant received his or her training pursuant to NRS 644A.310, 644A.325, 644A.340 or 644A.355, and NAC 644A.300 to 644A.345, inclusive, as a cosmetologist's apprentice, hair designer's apprentice, esthetician's apprentice, electrologist's apprentice or nail technologist's apprentice, a copy of the final report submitted to the Board, pursuant to NAC 644A.325, by the licensed cosmetologist, hair designer, esthetician, electrologist or nail technologist who supervised and trained the apprentice.
2. Any hours taken at a school of cosmetology that is located outside of the United States are subject to the approval of the Board for the purposes of determining whether the training received is equivalent to the training which the applicant would have received at a school of cosmetology located in the United States.
3. The Board or its designee will send a written or electronic acceptance letter to each applicant for the theory examination. On the designated day and time of the theory or practical examination, the applicant must present his or her picture identification and any other information required by the person conducting the examination at the location where the examination is being given for admittance into the examination. An applicant who fails to bring the required forms of identification:
(a) Will be denied entrance to the examination;
(b) Forfeits any fees paid to take the examination; and
(c) Must reregister before taking the examination.
4. The Board or its designee will notify the applicant of the results of his or her theory examination and his or her percentage score not later than 3 weeks after the date of the theory examination or, if the examination is graded by a testing company, within 5 business days after the results are received from the testing company, whichever occurs later.
5. An applicant who attended a school of cosmetology in this State, after receiving the results of his or her theory examination and his or her percentage score, may submit a request to the Board to notify the school of cosmetology of that information. The Board or its designee will, not later than 5 days after receipt of such a request, notify the school of cosmetology that the applicant attended of the results of his or her theory examination and his or her percentage score.
6. Each applicant must be on time to take the examination. Any applicant who arrives late:
(a) Will be denied entrance to the examination;
(b) Forfeits any fees paid to take the examination; and
(c) Must reregister before taking the examination.
7. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 8, each applicant for licensure as a nail technologist, cosmetologist, hair designer, electrologist, esthetician or advanced esthetician must bring to the practical examination a model or mannequin and all equipment required for the examination. The applicant must be able to complete the practical examination on the model or mannequin brought for the examination. An applicant who fails to bring a model or mannequin and all required equipment to the practical examination:
(a) Will be denied entrance to the examination;
(b) Forfeits any fees paid to take the examination; and
(c) Must reregister before taking the examination.
8. An applicant may rent a supply kit for the practical examination directly from a company that makes such kits. The Board will not set or accept any fees for renting supply kits.
9. While taking an examination, each applicant must wear clean outer garments and adequate footwear.

Nev. Admin. Code § 644A.270

(Added to NAC by Bd. of Cosmetology, eff. 4-21-86; A by R099-97, 2-25-98; R175-99, 1-14-2000; R029-02, 7-19-2002; R092-06, 9-18-2006; R064-15, 12-21-2015) - (Substituted in revision for NAC 644.053); A by R182-22A, eff. 1/5/2024

NRS 644A.275, as amended by section 18 of Senate Bill No. 249, chapter 165, Statutes of Nevada 2023, at page 878, and NRS 644A.450, as amended by section 35 of Senate Bill No. 249, chapter 165, Statutes of Nevada 2023, at page 886