Nev. Admin. Code § 641C.290

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 641C.290 - Education and training of certified intern; change of supervisor
1. Any hours which a certified intern accumulates while:
(a) Working under the supervision of a licensed or certified alcohol and drug counselor, a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor or a certified problem gambling counselor who has not been approved by the Board to supervise certified interns;
(b) Working in an arrangement covered by an agreement relating to the supervision of the certified intern if the agreement has not been approved by the Board;
(c) Engaged in any activities that are not within the scope of the practice of counseling persons with alcohol and other substance use disorders, the clinical practice of counseling persons with alcohol and other substance use disorders, the practice of counseling persons with an addictive disorder related to gambling or the provision of any services relating thereto; or
(d) Not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and chapter 641C of NRS concerning certified interns, will not be counted toward the number of hours necessary to become a licensed or certified counselor.
2. If the supervisor of a certified intern changes, the certified intern must submit a new agreement concerning the supervision of the certified intern by the new supervisor to the Board for its approval not later than 5 working days after the date on which the supervisor has changed.
3. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if, at the time when a certified intern received his or her most current certification from the Board, the certified intern is enrolled in a program of education from which he or she will receive an associate's degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctoral degree in a field of social science, the licensed or certified alcohol and drug counselor, licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor or certified problem gambling counselor supervising the certified intern shall ensure that the certified intern is properly enrolled in that program of education during each semester within the certification period and shall include documentation of all completed course work from the program of education in each progress report required pursuant to NAC 641C.285. If a certified intern completes and receives his or her degree from his or her program of education during a certification period and a new semester for that program of education begins before the end of the certification period, the licensed or certified alcohol and drug counselor, licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor or certified problem gambling counselor supervising the certified intern is not required to ensure that the certified intern is enrolled in the program of education for the new semester.
4. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a certified intern may not accumulate any hours necessary to become a licensed or certified counselor during the remainder of any semester from which the certified intern has withdrawn from his or her courses such that he or she is no longer enrolled in at least 3 credit hours for a given semester. Upon request of a certified intern, the Board may waive the provisions of this subsection if the Board determines the existence of good cause, including, without limitation, extreme illness of the certified intern or the cancellation of classes by a college or university. To obtain a waiver, the certified intern:
(a) Must provide the Board with documentation of any requested waiver within 30 days after each occurrence; and
(b) May be requested to appear before the Board to determine if a waiver should be granted.
5. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a certified intern must complete the education and training necessary to become a licensed or certified counselor not later than 5 years after the date on which he or she initially applies to become a certified intern. A certified intern may apply to the Board to request an extension of the 5-year time limit imposed by this subsection. Such a request for an extension must be submitted to the Board on a form provided by the Board. Upon the receipt of a request for an extension, the Board may grant the extension if it finds that:
(a) The reason for or cause necessitating the requested extension is the result of circumstances that are unforeseeable or otherwise outside the control of the certified intern;
(b) The length of the requested extension is reasonable under the circumstances; and
(c) The certified intern will complete the education and training necessary to become a licensed or certified counselor within the requested extension of time.

Nev. Admin. Code § 641C.290

Added to NAC by Bd. of Exam'rs for Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors by R097-00, eff. 8-9-2000; A by R126-01, 1-28-2002; A by Bd. of Exam'rs for Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Counselors by R157-03, 12-16-2003; R185-07, 12-17-2008; A by R058-14, eff. 12/22/2014; A by R069-17AP, eff. 2/27/2018; A by R046-21A, eff. 2/28/2022
NRS 641C.200, as amended by section 23.5 of Senate Bill No. 44, chapter 522, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 3501, 641C.330, as amended by section 1 of Senate Bill No. 181, chapter 170, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 752, 641C.350, as amended by section 2 of Senate Bill No. 181, chapter 170, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 753, 641C.390 and 641C.430