Nev. Admin. Code § 618.710

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 618.710 - Service of process: Authorized employee representatives; unrepresented employees
1. If an affected employee is not represented by an authorized employee representative, the employer shall, immediately upon receipt of the notice sent by the Enforcement Section to the Board, post, where the citation is required to be posted, a copy of the statement informing affected employees of their right to participate as a party and of the availability of all pleadings for inspection and copying at reasonable times. The notice may be in the following form:

(Name of employer)

Your employer has been cited by the Chief of the Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement Section of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry for violation of the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Act, chapter 618 of NRS. The citation has been contested and will be the subject of a hearing before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Board. Affected employees are entitled to participate in this hearing as parties under terms and conditions established by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Board in NAC 618.650 to 618.848, inclusive. Notice of intent to participate must be sent, at least 30 days before the date of the hearing, to:

Occupational Safety and Health Review Board

400 West King Street, Suite 200

Carson City, Nevada 89703

All papers relevant to this matter may be inspected at:

(Place reasonably convenient to employees, preferably at or near workplace).

If appropriate, the second sentence of this notice may be deleted and the following sentence may be substituted:

The reasonableness of the period prescribed by the Chief for abatement of the violation has been contested and will be the subject of a hearing before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Board.

2. The authorized employee representative must be served with the notice in subsection 1 and with a copy of the notice of the appeal or contest.
3. A copy of the notice of the hearing to be held before the Board must be served by the employer on affected employees who are not represented by an authorized employee representative by posting a copy of the notice of the hearing at or near the place where the citation is required to be posted.
4. A copy of the notice of the hearing to be held before the Board must be served by the employer on the authorized representative of any employee who has entered an appearance as of the date the notice is received by the employer.
5. If a notice of contest is filed by an affected employee who is not represented by an authorized employee representative and there are other affected employees who are represented by an authorized employee representative, the unrepresented employee shall serve a copy on the authorized representative as prescribed in subsection 3 of NAC 618.707 and file proof of the service.
6. If a notice of contest is filed by an affected employee or an authorized employee representative, a copy of the notice of contest and the response filed in support of the contest must be provided to the employer for posting as prescribed in subsection 1.
7. An authorized employee representative who files a notice of contest shall serve a copy of the notice on any other authorized employee representative whose members are affected employees.
8. Where posting is required by this section, the posting must be maintained until the commencement of the hearing or until an earlier disposition of the contest or appeal.

Nev. Admin. Code § 618.710

Dep't of Occupational Safety & Health, Rule No. 7 subsecs. 6-14, eff. 11-9-73-NAC A by Occupational Safety & Health Review Bd., 2-19-87; A by Div. of Industrial Relations by R142-98, 2-28-2000

NRS 618.295, 618.585