Nev. Admin. Code § 618.397

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 618.397 - Erection or dismantling of tower crane: Maintenance of clear zone
1. Except in an emergency, when a tower crane is erected or dismantled, the prime contractor shall establish and maintain a clear zone within which a person who is not directly involved in the erection or dismantling is, if practicable, not permitted during the lifting of a load until the load is securely grounded.
2. The clear zone required pursuant to subsection 1 must be an area, the center of which is the crane which is lifting the load, that is 125 percent of the sum of the length of the boom of the crane and one-half of the length of the load which is lifted and which includes all quadrants in which the crane could, because of its configuration, be reasonably expected to tip over, including, but not limited to, any quadrant in which the load is lifted.
3. To establish and maintain the clear zone required pursuant to subsections 1 and 2, the prime contractor shall:
(a) Provide written notification at least 24 hours before the scheduled erection or dismantling of the tower crane to each person who owns or manages property located within the boundaries of the clear zone. The notice must:
(1) Specify the scheduled date, time and location of the erection or dismantling of the tower crane; and
(2) Inform the owner or manager that the property:
(I) Is located within the boundaries of a clear zone which is required by this section to be established and maintained; and
(II) Must be vacated, if practicable, and the owner or manager must post signs on the property that warn each person entering the property that crane operations are in progress.
(b) Provide written notification at least 24 hours before the scheduled erection or dismantling of the tower crane to each federal, state, county and municipal agency that has jurisdiction over highways, streets, sidewalks, railroads or other public property within the boundaries of the clear zone. The notice must:
(1) Specify the date, time and location of the erection or dismantling of the tower crane; and
(2) Inform the agency that:
(I) The property within its jurisdiction is located within the boundaries of a clear zone which is required by this section to be established and maintained; and
(II) Any traffic on the property must be restricted, if practicable, and the agency must post signs on the property that warn traffic on the property that crane operations are in progress.
(c) Post warning signs and, where practicable, place warning tape around any property which is within the boundaries of the clear zone and within the control of the prime contractor. The warning signs must:
(1) Be posted, if practicable, every 50 feet and be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 100 feet; and
(2) Advise that crane operations are in progress and the area may not be entered during a lift.
(d) Sound a warning horn just before a lift.
4. If a prime contractor who is required to establish and maintain a clear zone pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 believes that the establishment and maintenance of the clear zone is impracticable, the prime contractor must ensure that the crane used in the erection or dismantling of a tower crane is limited to loads of no more than 90 percent of the maximum lifting capacity of the crane as specified on the load rating chart of the crane and the prime contractor must comply with paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection 3 for any quadrant in which the load is lifted.
5. The establishment and maintenance of a clear zone does not relieve the prime contractor or the owner or lessee of the crane from liability for failure to operate the crane in a safe and prudent manner. During the erection and dismantling of a tower crane, the prime contractor and the owner or lessee of the crane shall provide safeguards against artificially created and natural conditions, including, but not limited to, unstable ground, inclement weather and winds of high velocity. Except in an emergency, a load must not be lifted during the erection or dismantling of a tower crane during winds which exceed 35 miles per hour.

Nev. Admin. Code § 618.397

Added to NAC by Div. of Industrial Relations, eff. 2-25-97

NRS 618.295, 618.880