Class 1A: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | $70 |
Annual fee for a license for a dealer who sells or distributes 250,000 gallons or more of LP gas................................................ | 925 |
Fee for inspecting each storage tank, plant facility or truck tank...... | 105 |
Class 1B: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a dealer who sells or distributes less than 250,000 gallons of LP gas..................................................... | 660 |
Fee for inspecting each storage tank, plant facility or truck tank...... | 105 |
Class 2A: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the delivery of prefilled LP gas exchange cylinders.............................................. | 135 |
Fee for inspecting each site for the storage of prefilled cylinders..... | 105 |
Class 2B: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the operation of an LP gas cylinder exchange site................................................... | 65 |
Fee for inspecting each site where a cabinet for the storage of cylinders which are available for exchange or sale is located........ | 50 |
Class 3A: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the installation or repair of LP gas vapor piping, appliances or venting..................... | 135 |
Class 3B: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the installation or repair of LP gas systems installed on recreational vehicles........... | 135 |
Class 3C: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the installation or repair of LP gas industrial facilities............................................... | 135 |
Class 3D: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in the installation of LP gas vehicle fuel systems........................................................... | 135 |
Class 3E: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business not engaged in the sale of LP gas but engaged in the sale or installation of gas equipment that the Board determines requires a special license............................. | 135 |
Class 4: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business that operates a dispenser at a fixed location for the resale of propane to the public.................... | 135 |
Fee for inspecting each dispensing unit............................................. | 105 |
Class 5: | |
Fee for an application for a license..................................................... | 70 |
Annual fee for a license for a business engaged in activities relating to LP gas which the Board determines requires a special license.. | 135 |
Fee for inspecting each storage tank or vaporizer.............................. | 105 |
plus any other expenses related to the inspection. | |
Miscellaneous Fees: | |
Fee for an application for a variance.................................................. | 70 |
plus any other expenses related to the variance. | |
Fee for an application for a certificate of competency....................... | 70 |
Fee for the issuance or renewal of a certificate of competency......... | 35 |
Nev. Admin. Code § 590.240
NRS 590.505, 590.515, 590.549