Nev. Admin. Code § 584.5941

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 584.5941 - Prohibition on sales by distributors to certain wholesale customers
1. If a distributor fails to pay within the time prescribed by subsection 2 of NAC 584.5911:
(a) The distributor to whom the payment is owed shall notify the Commission of the failure to pay; and
(b) The Commission may issue an order prohibiting all distributors from selling milk or dairy products to that distributor unless the sale is for cash upon delivery.
2. The Commission will provide written notice to all distributors of any order issued pursuant to subsection 1. Any order issued pursuant to subsection 1 will remain in effect until rescinded by the Commission.

Nev. Admin. Code § 584.5941

Dairy Comm'n, Stabiliza. & Mktg. Plan - ENMA Art. V § A, eff. 9-15-79-NAC A 8-26-96; A by R023-16A, eff. 9/9/2016
NRS 584.067, 584.547, 584.585