Nev. Admin. Code § 555.374

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 555.374 - Continuing education: Prerequisites for accreditation and receipt of credit; duties of sponsor; acceptable activities
1. To obtain accreditation from the Director for a course of continuing education, the sponsor of the course must submit to the Department, at least 7 days before the first day of the course:
(a) A detailed outline of the subject matter to be presented;
(b) If the course is intended for applicators who are licensed or certified to apply or supervise the application of restricted-use pesticides, evidence that the number of hours for the course and the content and quality of the course ensure that the applicators continue to satisfy the applicable requirements of subsection 3 of NRS 555.351, NRS 555.355, NAC 555.630 and 555.650 and section 13;
(c) A description of the method of presentation;
(d) A curriculum vitae or other biographical statement of the instructor;
(e) For an Internet course, a course contained on a compact disc, a correspondence course or a video or other media presentation sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service, a detailed description of the method or methods by which the sponsor intends to verify attendance by each licensee and the successful completion by each licensee of the examination required pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 555.372; and
(f) Any other information required in the application for accreditation.
2. To equal one unit of continuing education, the course for which the application is submitted must consist of at least 50 minutes of instruction and be directly related to:
(a) The control or management of pests;
(b) The classification or usage of pesticides;
(c) The safe handling or dispensing of pesticides; or
(d) A law or regulation concerning the use of pesticides.
3. The information required by subsection 1 must be submitted on an application prescribed by the Director.
4. The sponsor of a course accredited by the Director shall submit to the Department, within 30 days after the completion of the course, a list that includes:
(a) The name of the course;
(b) The course number assigned by the Director pursuant to NAC 555.375;
(c) The number of units of continuing education that a person who successfully completes the course may receive;
(d) The name of each person who attended the course;
(e) The identification number assigned by the Department to the licensee wishing to receive credit for completing the course;
(f) The name of the business or governmental agency that employs the licensee;
(g) The signature of the licensee; and
(h) A statement prepared by the sponsor of the course indicating that:
(1) The licensee presented to the sponsor the licensee's license or any other form of identification issued by a governmental agency that includes a photograph of the licensee;
(2) For an Internet course, a course contained on a compact disc, a correspondence course or a video or other media presentation sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service, each licensee listed attended the course or presentation and passed the examination required pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 555.372.
5. The sponsor of a course shall maintain a record of the information set forth in subsection 4 for at least 4 years after the completion of the course. The records must be made available to the Director upon request.
6. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, courses of continuing education that may be accredited by the Director include, without limitation:
(a) A seminar;
(b) A meeting;
(c) An adult education class;
(d) A correspondence class;
(e) An Internet class;
(f) A college or university class;
(g) A video or other media presentation; and
(h) Any equivalent activity approved by the Director.
7. A person who attends a meeting of the Nevada Pest Control Association may receive credit for attending the meeting without obtaining approval for the meeting pursuant to this section.
8. A person who successfully completes a course of continuing education is not entitled to receive credit for attending the course unless, at the time the sponsor of the course recorded the attendance of the person at the course, the person presented to the sponsor the identification specified in paragraph (h) of subsection 4.
9. A licensee may not receive credit more than once in a calendar year for attending the same course with the same course number assigned by the Director pursuant to NAC 555.375.
10. As used in this section, "licensee" includes, without limitation, an authorized commercial applicator, certified non-private applicator, private applicator and any other person who is licensed or certified to apply or supervise the application of a restricted-use pesticide.

Nev. Admin. Code § 555.374

Added to NAC by Dep't of Agriculture by R081-99, eff. 11-18-99; A by R001-03, 9-24-2003; R052-06, 6-28-2006; A by Bd. of Agriculture by R156-07, 1-30-2008; A by Dep't of Agriculture by R062-10, 1-13-2011; A by R033-14, eff. 10/24/2014; A by R077-21A, eff. 12/17/2022

NRS 555.357, 555.400