Current through December 31, 2024
Section 555.280 - Fields and categories1. The following fields are established for the licensing of authorized commercial applicators and commercial applicators:(a) Aerial-The use of aircraft, including, without limitation, an unmanned aerial vehicle, for the application of pesticides on standing or running water, rangeland, agricultural crops, forest, idle cropland and noncropland associated with the production of agricultural crops.(b) Agricultural ground-The use of ground equipment for the application of pesticides on rangeland, agricultural crops, idle cropland and noncropland associated with the production of agricultural crops.(c) Urban, rural and structural-The use of ground equipment for the application of pesticides in urban and rural areas and in, on or around structures.2. The following categories are established for the licensing of authorized commercial applicators and commercial applicators under the fields of licensing:(a) Aerial - The application of pesticides by fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.(b) Agricultural ground: (1) Agriculture plant pests-The application of insecticides, miticides, acaricides, fungicides, bactericides, nematicides and rodenticides on or around lands used in the production of agricultural commodities, including, without limitation, grains, vegetables, small fruits, fruit trees, peanuts, tree nuts, tobacco, cotton, feed and forage crops, and grasslands and noncrop agricultural lands associated with the production of agricultural commodities. This category does not include fumigation.(2) Weeds-The application of herbicides, plant regulators, desiccants and defoliants on or around lands used in the production of agricultural commodities, including, without limitation, grains, vegetables, small fruits, fruit trees, peanuts, tree nuts, tobacco, cotton, feed and forage crops, and grasslands and noncrop agricultural lands associated with the production of agricultural commodities. This category does not include fumigation.(3) Soil fumigation-The control of any soil pest when present in the soil through the use of fumigants.(c) Urban, rural and structural:(1) Limited landscape-The control of insect pests, vertebrate pests and plant diseases and the use of plant regulators on ornamentals and turf in urban or rural areas, including, without limitation, fruit trees in urban or rural areas if the fruit trees are not used for commercial purposes. This category does not include fumigation.(2) Industrial and institutional-The control of insect pests and vertebrate pests in, on or around industrial complexes, institutional complexes and dwelling units. This category does not include fumigation.(3) Structural-The control of wood-destroying pests, inspection for wood-destroying pests and inspection for conditions conducive to infestations of wood-destroying pests. This category does not include fumigation.(4) Nonsoil fumigation -The control of any pest that is present in anything other than the soil through the use of poisonous and lethal gases.(5) Aquatic-The control of insect pests, weeds and vertebrate pests in standing or running water. This category does not include fumigation.(6) Weeds-The control of weeds in the maintenance of landscapes, turf and rights-of-way, including, without limitation, public roads, power lines, pipelines and railway rights-of-way. This category does not include fumigation or the control of aquatic weeds.3. This section must not be construed to prohibit a person who has obtained the proper license from applying pesticides in a manner not prohibited by law.4. As used in this section, "unmanned aerial vehicle" means a powered aircraft of any size without a human operator aboard the vehicle and that is operated remotely or autonomously.Nev. Admin. Code § 555.280
Dep't of Agriculture, part No. 55.32, eff. 8-1-74; A 1-17-77; 6-11-80-NAC A 2-5-82; R033-01, 5-1-2002; A by R033-14, eff. 10/24/2014; A by R093-15, eff. 3/10/2016; A by R006-17A, eff. 12/19/2017; A by R154-17A, eff. 12/18/2019; A by R077-21A, eff. 12/17/2022