- Section 534A.340 - Records to be kept by owner or operator of geothermal resource; inspection (Repealed)
- Section 534A.350 - Filing of logs and other records (Repealed)
- Section 534A.360 - Filing of directional survey after completion of directionally drilled well (Repealed)
- Section 534A.390 - Equipment for development and production of geothermal resources; additional testing or remedial work
- Section 534A.400 - Measurement of rate of flow of water and steam and of pressure and temperature of fluids
- Section 534A.410 - Monthly reports of production and temperature; annual reports (Repealed)
- Section 534A.420 - Reinjection of fluids unless alternative method of disposal approved; "by-product" defined
- Section 534A.430 - Casing of injection wells; filling of annular space
- Section 534A.450 - Notification of beginning and discontinuance of injection
- Section 534A.460 - Monthly report of injection (Repealed)