Nev. Admin. Code § 534.4369

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 534.4369 - Boreholes: Generally
1. A geotechnical soil boring may be drilled or plugged by a person who is not a licensed well driller.
2. A person who constructs or plugs a geotechnical soil boring is not required to file with the Division a notice of intent.
3. A geotechnical soil boring may be drilled without obtaining from the Division a permit to appropriate water or a waiver of the requirement to obtain such a permit.
4. A person who drills or plugs a geotechnical soil boring, the operator of the exploration project or the owner of the land where the geotechnical soil boring is located must maintain a record of the drilling operation which includes:
(a) The dates on which the geotechnical soil boring is constructed and plugged;
(b) The location of the geotechnical soil boring as shown by public land survey;
(c) The depth and diameter of the geotechnical soil boring;
(d) The depth at which groundwater is encountered in the geotechnical soil boring; and
(e) The methods and materials used to plug the geotechnical soil boring.
5. The State Engineer may, at any time, require the person drilling or plugging the geotechnical soil boring, the operator of the exploration project or the owner of the land on which the geotechnical soil boring is located to submit to the State Engineer a copy of the record required pursuant to subsection 4 and any other information relating to the construction, operation or plugging of the geotechnical soil boring that the State Engineer determines is necessary.
6. The owner and the lessor of the land on which a geotechnical soil boring is located, the operator of the exploration project and the drilling or plugging contractor for the project shall ensure that the groundwater is uncontaminated during the drilling, operation or plugging of the geotechnical soil boring.
7. A geotechnical soil boring must not be used to:
(a) Determine information related to water quality or quantity; or
(b) Divert water for any purpose.

Nev. Admin. Code § 534.4369

Added to NAC by St. Engineer, eff. 12-30-97; A by R009-06, 6-1-2006; A by R068-20A, eff. 12/29/2020; A by R068-20CAP, eff. 6/23/2021
NRS 534.020, 534.060, 534.110